Chapter 5

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I opened the garage door as I pulled up to my house. Pulling into the garage I killed the engine and kicking out the kick stand turning to Jay who was clenching the bag we picked up at her house.

"Come on. Lets get you cleaned up." I said reaching out to help her off the bike. But she flinched back. Understanding I nodded and walked into the house. Pumpkin welcomed me with a meow as I walked into the kitchen. My plate was still in the sink and my cup still on the island. Sighing I knew he hadn't stayed. Jay shut the door when she came in and silently walked upstairs. Less then a minute later I heard a murderess scream of terror coming from upstairs. I grabbed a knife and ran upstairs. Grabbing the person over Jay, pushing him against the wall with a knife to his throat. Only he wasn't fighting back and had his hands up in a surrender. Thats when I finally noticed it was David. Shocked I stepped back and drove the knife into the wall besides him.

"What are you gonna do? Kill him like that one guy?!!"

"You killed someone?" David asked shocked.

"Hell yeah she did! This Dayem guy was all like 'kill someone besides me' to get me back and she just turned and shot a guy in the chest!" Jay yelled still shaking.

"You killed someone?" David asked softly reaching out to me.

"He was wearing a bullet proof vest," I said looking away. "I'll start the bath for you" I said to Jay and walked to the bathroom. Jay walked in a few minutes later looking more tired than anything.

"Why didn't you kill him? The Dayem guy." Jay asked angularly.

"Because I know him." I stated turning back to drop a bathbomb into the hot water.

"From where? You never talked about him? Does he kill people too? How many people have you killed? Why did that guy kidnap me?"

"Are you really that okay with the fact that I was willing to kill someone?" I asked spilling around. She opened and closed her mouth alot of times. "Drain the tub when you're done." I said and closed the door as I walked out. I felt so tired as I changed back into some T-shirt and shorts I just grabbed out of my closest. Walking down stairs I smelled pancakes and instantly I thought Eve was home. Running down the rest of the stairs and into the kitchen to see David making pancakes, slightly disappointed I walked over to the note and my phone and threw the note in the trash and sat on the counter next to the stove.

"Why are you still here?" I asked reaching for a piece of bacon.

"Because I missed you. And I want to keep you safe." He said flapping a pancake. Not feeling up to an argument about how he doesn't get to play that anymore, I shrugged and walked to the living room and sat on the couch with my knees up to my chest.

"You know Hallow. You did the right thing." David said bringing in the bacon and pancakes. He sat down next me and put his arm over the back of the couch with a yawn. I'm just now getting the chance to study him. He had taken off his jacket so I could see tattoos he never had before. A skull with a rose growing out of one of the eyes on his shoulder, a cross on his chest, and where his shirt rode up there was a tattoo that went up his shirt. Curiosity got the best of me and I pulled up his shirt. He stiffened up and stopped me half way up and said "You don't want to finish pulling that up."

"Why?" I asked trying to make my voice sound normal. But really I was scared of what I might find.

He sighed but let go of my hand "I've warned you."

I paused for a moment and finished as he turned to he's back was towards me. What I saw made me want to cry. There was lashings. All over his back. He had a tattoo over his whole back. Trying to cover what had taken place.

"What happened?" I asked breathless.

"When I got to the gang Dayem sent me to. They thought I was one of the heartless assassins. They were right obviously," he gave a heartless laugh but I could tell he was going to cry. David was always strong but when he was with me, I always let him know I was here, he often broke down me along with him. So I climb down off the couch and sat in from of him. I pulled his head to look at me. He continued " I had to convince them. So I agreed to 2 days if torture. One of the ways was whipping . As you can see. It left a mark. So the leader said I could get a tat over it so if someone saw they would just see the tattoo. I picked the tree design, because well your name is Hallow like a tree. And I missed you so much and I knew I wouldn't see you for a long time or maybe never again. And it was my reminder if what I gave up for Dayem." He finished off bowing his head in shame.

I couldn't do it any longer and I drove into a hug so tight I don't know if either of us cared if we could breathe.

"I was wracked when you died. I've missed you everyday. Oh my god." I said holding him so tight I was scared he would disappear. He smelled the same surprisingly. Like nicotine and mint. I started doing something I haven't done in a long time not since he 'died'. I cried. I cried so hard I didnt hear Jay come down the stairs and sit down in a rocking chair.

"Hallow." David said his voice hoarse letting me know he had cried some as well.

"What." I said wiping my tears away.

"Its time we explain what happened to Jaylen."

I turned to Jay and gave it to her as straight as possible. "I'm in a gang."

"I figured after tonight."

"And my mom killed someone which is why I'm in a gang."


" David," I said pointed to him after I had climbed off his lap. " Is-was-errrrmmmm. Its complicated."

"I let our gang leader shot me in front of Hallow so she would think I died so I could go deep under cover in a growing gang." David stated looking straight into Jay's eyes.

"Well you're a dick and that would explain why Hall turns down every guy who's asked her out." Jay said. "Can we finish this tomorrow?" She asks standing up.

"Umm yeah. Sure." I said "You sleeping in my room or the guest room?"

"Ummm ill take the guest room"

"You know where we moved the blankets right?"

"Duh. I'm not stupid just because I forgot my birthday!" She exclaimed laughing.

"I still can't believe you did." I said laughing.

I waved to Jay a few minutes later and sat with David in silence.

"How long are you staying?" I asked standing up.

"At least a month." He stated. Not giving me a choice in the matter.

"I'm assuming you are going to school then?"

"Yep" he said popping the p.

"ill get you some blankets." I said walking up stairs and returning with a blanket and some pillows. Helping him pull out the bed from the couch and setting it up. I said my goodnights and hugged him one last time. Thinking this was a dream, but hoping it wasn't. Because I can't lose him again. I can't have that hole empty again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2018 ⏰

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