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"Would there be anything you like mademoiselle?" the waiter asked with with his French acccent.

"Yes!" I chirped."I would like to have a tasse de chocolat chaud un muffin à la banane et un morceau de votre gâteau de velours rouge." (cup of hot chocolate, a banana muffin and a piece of your red velvet   cake)

The waiter smiled."Je vais avoir votre commande en quelques minutes." (I will have your order in a few minutes)

I thanked him and he left to get my order.Hmm.I have a very good feeling I'm his favorite customer of the day.

Right now I'm currently in Paris, France.Why?Because I'm on a mission.Why?Because I'm a spy.

Let me make a short introduction of myself:

My name is Natara Wilson. I am seventeen years old. I am half Latina.My dad is James Wilson or Chief  Wilson by most, is kinda a spy too. He owns two spy companies:A.S.K (American Spy Kids) and A.S.A.P (American Secret Agency Service).I know they're funny names but don't blame him, my great- grandfather created it. My mother,Maya Rivera, was killed when I was six.Sadly, her killer wasn't found and the murder remained unsolved.Because of my mother's death I have Hemophobia (fear of blood).Funny, a spy that's afraid of blood.Anyway, I blow my candles on Febuary 14th, Valentine's day.

The waiter came back with my order and the bill.I thanked him and paid the check,remembering to leave him a tip for being a sweet gentleman.All I had to do now was wait for my target.

My target was a French bomber named Victor Bernard.He bombed several landmarks and rumour has it that he is planning to bomb the Eiffel Tower.And me,who loves the beautiful artifact,bravely volunteered to do the job.Or either that they just chose me because I looked less suspicious,and Victor would never expect the government to send a 17 year old because he had experience running from the law.But hey,I agreed to do it!He's been slipping right past agency after agency like the FBI  and yada,yada,yada but this time...that's goanna change.

"Do you see him yet?" Kate asked through the earpiece I was wearing.

I wasn't alone on this mission.They sent me my partner slash best friend,Kate Chazaski. She helps me through most of my missions by communicating to me through the earpiece I'm wearing. She has light brown hair and brown eyes. She is Thai-American. We met when she was 10 and when I was 14. We've been best friends and partners ever since. Her specialty to entering A.S.K is technology.

"Nope I haven't seen him yet." I replied. "But try hacking into the security cameras, it has a clear view of the streets."

"Already on it."

I look at the glass at the side of the cafe I was in. The glass gave a perfect view of the busy streets of Paris and not to mention the Eiffet Tower.

My eyes land on a silver suit case under a table. I check the man who is sitting in the case where the suitcase is hidden.

"Kate, I spot a man wearing nothing suspicious but he has a suspicious-looking suitcase under his table. Can you scan a face recognition?"


After a few seconds she finally responded, "Sorry Natara, he's not our guy, but keep an eye on him, this guy's got a record."

After what Kate said, I kept an eye on our little suitcase man. He was wearing a bussines suit, nothing suspicious, but carrying a silver suitcase is. I kept glancing at the glass wall to see if he's comming, but no such luck. A.S.K gave me the description of him: balding hair, slightly plump, poin-ted nose, and always hides his eyes behind some round shades. I glance at the glass wall to see nothing again.

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