Chapter 1: Case open

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Author's Note:
Kate Chazaski is being played by Allie DiMeco. Picture is on the side. Thank you.

January 30, 2013

Chief Wilson's POV

"Now there's a reason why I called you all here today." I said to the staff and co-workers of A.S.K and A.S.A.S."As some of you may know, we've been contacted by the FBI that a client has reported a stalking incedent just a few days ago." I motioned to the screen at the end of the table. Everybody shifted to the screen. A picture of our 'client' popped up."A man named Simon Cowell,owner of SYCO records, called the police to report a stalking incident. He claimed that a band he owns named One Direction had recently been recieving letters from annonymous person just a few weeks ago. The police has read the letters themselves, they confirmed that the letters were not written by some ordinary obssessed fan, they were written by some experienced stalker." Another photo popped up, it was a criminal profile with a black figure."When Mr.Cowell contacted the police, they immedietly thought they were not from any ordinary stalker. They immedietly contacted the FBI and the they were smart enough to contact us. We immedietly suspected it was 'The Bachelor Killer' who had done this." I motioned to the screen."As you may know The Bachelor Killer is the number one criminal on our list. She is mostly known by her name,she stalks rich men, makes them fall for her,and kills them after."

"Now here is what we know about The Bachelor Killer." I explained."we know she's a female, probably mid twenties to late thirties, has an interest in rich men, any age, & she is wanted in almost 10 countries. I've reviewed the situation very clearly. We need at least two agents from A.S.K and A.S.A.S. It will be too suspicious if they were adults, so the agents needs to be in their teens, ages 14-19. So we need to look for the right agents for the job."

The screen showed the list of A.S.K agents ages 14-17."Now can you show me the top best agents?" I asked. The category list only had 5 agents. The first profile had a picture with a boy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.

Name: James Rose

Age: 16

Height: 5'7

Specialty: Weapons expert

Nickname: Nut

I looked at the staff. "Well, do you have anything to say whether or not we should choose Agent Rose?." I asked.

One of the staff from A.S.K raised his hand."Yes Agent Bresler?"

He stood up."I think Agent Rose would be a fine agent--."

"But!" one of the workers from A.S.A.S stood up, interrupting us."Agent Rose tends to bring weapons with him, even when he is told not to. Our clients will be too suspicious, they'll feel in more danger."

"I believe Agent Kenzi is correct." I agreed."Our clients would get too suspicious if one of the agents is seen carrying a weapon. Our agents should know how to fight without a weapon or at least know how to conceal a weapon." Agent Kenzi sat back down with a proud look on her face."Next profile please?".The next profile showed a picture of a bulky male.

Name: Richard Miller

Age: 17

Height: 6'4

Specialty: Strenght

Nickname: Tank

I look at the staff again for a response. One from A.S.K stood up."Chief, I believe Agent Miller would protect our clients, but due to his bulky structure, he would make our clients very unconfortable."

"I agree with Agent Steinfield." I said."Who else agrees with Agent Steinfield's statement?". All the staff from A.S.K and A.S.A.S raised their hands."Very well, next profile please?".

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