Chapter 3: Night at the Club

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Author's note:

Astrid Mason will be played by Selena Gomez. Picture on the right

Natara's POV

"Okay, so here's how it goes," I said as I typed onto the touch-screen tablet.

Me and the girls are currently at this abandoned building as a temporary hideout before we go to the next part of our mission.

A map of London appeared on the large flat screen attached to the wall.

"Now, one of our clients will be turning 19 today," I explained. "And, unfortunately, he will be celebrating it here..." The map zoomed in on the location. " Pulse Rate."

Blythe was the first to respond. "Hm, Pulse Rate," she repeated. "The best place for the best criminal," she says.

The thing about Pulse Rate was that it was the no.1 hotspot for the best criminals. Almost every night reports would come in about either rape, murder, or even drugs, as well as any other criminal activity that happened there. It got so bad that the reports went to A.S.A.S as well. The government had tried to shut it down before, but it became so popular that it made it nearly impossible.

"Well obviously they're unaware the risks of going there." Kate steps in. "One of them probably just found it off the internet and rented a VIP room."

Astrid joins in the conversation. "VIP room or not, the place got air vents, crowds and more. She could be anywhere."

"Well that's why we're here," I said. "To stop that from happening."

Harry's POV


"Can you believe that Liam just found this off the internet and rented a VIP room?" I said to Niall as we stepped out of the car.


"Yeah mate, I do," he replied, trying to use his hand to cover his eyes from the flashing lights.

Flash! Flash! Flash!

The paparazzi is here alright, and I know why. They want to capture the moments where I might get drunk and screw up, they want to capture the moments when I 'll meet my next 'girlfriend', they want to capture the moments where I'll just make a fool of myself.

Thank goodness we security at the front of the door.


I huffed and entered the club. I hope that I'll be able to celebrate turning 19 without anything going wrong.

Natara's POV

The loud music kept banging my ears, along with the crowd's chanting. I would have gone deaf by now if it weren't for the earpiece on my right ear to help lower that risk.

Me and the girls have been in this club for about 20 minutes now and so far nothing has happened yet.

Before the mission began, I assigned each and every one of us different positions. First, I assigned Blythe and Astrid to be the bartenders. Second, I assigned Kate to be the waitress. And last, I was one of the nightclub goers. The plan was perfect, including the interior design of the club.

Pulse Rate had two floors: The dance floor and the VIP lounge. There were two staircases that lead up to to the second floor. One on the left side of the club and one on the right. At the bottom of each staircase was an usher guarding the entrance with a velvet rope. Only VIP guests and personnel were allowed to go up there.

The dance floor is where me and Kate will be while the VIP lounge is where Blythe and Astrid will be. Me and Kate will roam around the first floor (with the exception of Kate who gets to roam around the first floor and second floor since she's the 'waitress' and all) while Blythe and Astrid will take over the VIP lounge.

The crowd suddenly went crazy and started heading towards the entrance. Some were taking out their phones while others were squealing. I know what that meant. Our clients had arrived.

Kate: I see them, they're here.

I look around to find where Kate is. I turn my head to find her in the middle of one of the stairs. She wore a white button-up blouse with a black pencil skirt while holding an empty tray.

Astrid: Yeah, I can see them too.
Blythe: Copy that.

I stood up from the stool I was sitting on and stood on my toes. There were two figures I saw behind the crowd. One with curly hair and one with blonde hair--Harry Styles and Niall Horan--who were being ushered by bodyguards towards the stairs.

The usher let them in and they climbed up the stairs. They walk pass Kate and gave her a smile. Kate just stared at them as they walked pass her.

Kate: They just walked pass me.
Astrid: Yeah, I saw that.
Blythe: Copy that.
Natara: Astrid. Agent Taylor. They're now under your surveillance. Me and Kate will keep a lookout for the other three.
Kate: Sure.
Astrid: I will.
Blythe: Copy that.

Once the boys went upstairs, they were now under the surveillance of Astrid and Blythe.

The crowd went even crazier as three more figures came through the entrance.

Oh well, I guess our mission has begun.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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