Party Crashers Part 2

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Raph's POV

Was what I heard after being pushed out of the way and going to the ground and I looked to my right I see Beat Mixer holding her arm tightly. I go over and sigh in relief seeing that it was graze from the bullet but a big one than I noticed her shades were on the ground a foot away from her and I got curious and looked at her eyes and I knew. She looked at me wide eyed when mouthed 'CD' and she looked like she wanted to cry but then she whispered "I'm sorry" at first I was confused until she pushed me back with her foot and ran to the others and jumped off the roof. I ran to see if they were okay but they were gone but I know that the girls have some question that me and bros need answers to.

'Oh no I hope he didn't recognized me....OH WHO THE FUCK AM I KIDDING HE MOUTHED MY FUCKING NAME!' I yelled in my head as we drove off back to the shop's hidden garage and parked the car in it. "Okay CD I need to look at your arm and see if it needs stiches," Starla said as I nodded to her before removing my jacket that's when we heard Ann yell "THAT ASSHOLE SET US UP HOW DID WE KNOW WE BE THERE!?" we all looked at her than each other thinking the same thing she said but I looked down a little scared about what had happened earlier before we left and I think Kelly noticed because she asked "CD what's wrong?" Than they all looked at me and I know I couldn't hide the truth from them so I said "he saw my eyes," "who say your eyes?" Ann asked before either continued Starla answered for me "Raph saw your eyes didn't he?" All I did was nod and looked at the ground until I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to Ann there. "Hey its ok but this means if he recognized you than so did the others and I know they are gonna ask questions," Ann said and we knew that too but what I am scared of is going home right now "Hey you guys want to stay at my house cause I can tell that some of us don't want to go home," Kelly said looking at me because they knew my dad is head commissioner of the NYPD and he doesn't like what we are doing but he doesn't know it's us and since now I have this I'm terrified to go home and him seeing it so we all agreed on the sleepover. Ten minutes after getting ready and cleaning my wound we were about to leave until we heard the sound of the front door bell ringing meaning someone was coming in and we froze, "Ann I thought you put on the security system," I asked her and she nodded yes that she did but now the question is who is in our shop? We all decided to go and check it out so right now we are in the back of the shop where Kelly makes her shirts and jackets, we were about to confront them until we heard four familiar voices "Dude why do you think they come back here of all places?" Kelly thoughts: (Mikey!), "shut up ass wad and I don't know I just have a feeling," CD's thoughts: (Raph!), "I agree with Raph it is the closest place besides I guess they feel safe here," Ann's thoughts: (Donnie!), "I hope they are here I want to ask them if they're okay," Starla's thoughts: (Leo!). They girls and I knew we had to come out and confront them now or never so we did.

No One's POV

The girls were coming out of the room until Kelly kicked a can of paint which startled the guys causing them to yell "Who's there!?" "Woah guys don't shoot--Oh sorry CD," Ann said but CD gave her the 'it's okay' face and they came our of hiding and went near the boys not before turning on the lights. "What are you guys doing here at this hour?" CD asked to have Leo answer "we could ask you the same thing and we know who you guys are," "So now your gonna turn us in, aren't you," Kelly said looking scared so did the others and the boys noticed especially Mikey and he went to Kelly side and said "Of course not, we wouldn't dream of it,"

Ann's POV
We decided to stay at the shop for awhile cause after our little incedent the cops have been going crazy and CD's dad called asking where she was at and she said she was staying at Kelly's tonight which in reality we will later. Right now I was getting up to get some dinner for us and of course I was getting pizza so I got the orders as I left the shop and started walking I heard someone yelling for and I turn to see Donnie running towards me "H-hey Don what's up," I stuttered which I got pissed at he chuckled deeply 'Oh dear lord~' "I was wondering if I could come with you to get the food?" He said scratching the back of his neck and I just giggled at how nervous he was and I linked my arms with his and leaned on his shoulder before looking up to him " I'd like that but you tell anyone I'm acting soft I'm gonna knocked those adorkable off your face got it," I said playfully but stern and he nodded as we continued to walk to the pizzeria. After a good ten minutes of waiting we got the pizzas and started to head back with both us holding four boxes of pizza, we get through the door where Kelly and Starla take the pizzas but before going Donnie grabbed my sleeve and I turn to look at him "Hey can i talk to you for a minute?" He asked and I nodded.

We went outside in the alley where me and the girls sneak into the store to do our 'job' I walked in first and Donnie  was behind me. "So Donnie what did you want to--" I was cut off by being pinned againest the shop wall and a pair of soft lips againest mine, it was Donnie and 'oh god he is a god damn good kisser' I thought until he broke the kiss and w r stared at each other for a bit and than he said what shocked me "oh fuck it Annie Montgomery for last couple I've seen and talked to you have been amazing you're beautiful, strong, stubborn yes but I don't care because you're the most amazing woman I have ever met and who has been in my mind and heart for awhile now," I looked at him with wide eyes and asked "what are you saying," he leans to my ear and says in a whisper that only I can hear "Will you, the Boulevard Ballerina, be my girlfriend?" He came back to my eyes and he let's go of my wrists waiting for my answer. It was about a minute after I figured out what happen than I jumped on Donnie wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist and gave a hot, passionate kiss it took him a few seconds to kiss back and put his hands on my ass. We seperate for air and he asks "So that's a yes I'm guessing," "you bet your ass you hot, sexy swag nerd turtle," I tell him and we walk back in hand-in-hand and the questions I got getting on my nerves but what was mostly on my mind was 'who is going to get together next?'

That question is also for you my little ones who do you think should get together in the next coming chapters
CD x Raph
Kelly x Mikey
Starla x Leo
You guys tell me who would like to go 1st,2nd and 3rd in the comments ok good day my little ones~

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