Parental Troubles

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No One's POV

"CRYSTAL JOANNA DIAMOND! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" CD's dad yelled and stomped into the turtle's home and grabbed his daughter's wrist tightly and started to drag her out, "Dad let me explain," CD said taking her wrist away standing in front of her father "What is there to explain? You were obviously drag here by that hooligan," the commissioner said pointing at Raph, which pissed off said turtle, that made CD angry. "Raph is not a hooligan, he is a good guy, and he is really nice," CD told her dad in an angry tone "He is no different than those street performers that we're chasing and have you read up on this guy he sleeps around with a lot of women and doesn't even respect them!" Her dad yelled at her and grabbed her wrist once more "We are leaving and you are never allowed over here ever again," the commissioner said walking them to the door that leads to the elevator. Before the elevator door closed CD mouthed 'I'm sorry'  to Raph and the others than the doors closed on them, that's when Raph looked at the others and Mikey asked "Is he always liked that with her? and what the hell was that about?" the girls looked at one another than Starla sighed a bit "He has been liked that ever since CD's mom passed away five years ago always so over-protected and a pain in the ass with her," She said than Ann spoke, "When he does get like this they always fight and trust me it isn't pretty but he has never raised a hand to her ever," than Kelly was last to say anything "That's why almost all of CD's relationships end because of him always questioning them, doing background checks and if he finds one little bad thing about you man you wouldn't hear the end of it,"  Raph started to feel bad for CD cause one he didn't know that her dad was like that and two he can't imagine not seeing her again that's when he got an idea "Starla do you know their address?" Raph asked her and she nodded getting the idea what Raph was going to do and gave him CD's address on a piece of paper than he went to the garage to start his car.

 CD and her dad were pulling into the parking garage next to their apartment complex, a word had not been said through the whole ride home until they got into their house. Once inside CD ran straight for the stairs to go to her room until her dad said in a slightly calmer tone "Where are you going? We aren't done talking yet," she stood at the foot of the stairs with her back to her dad and said "Well I don't want to talk about it and especially to you," than her dad decided to raise his voice a bit "Young lady, you will not use that tone of voice with me and you should be happy I rescued from that bastard who knows what he might of done to you!" now that didn't make anything better in a by standers opinion that just made it worse and once he called Raph a bastard CD snapped "He is not a bastard! In my opinion he is actually the sweetest guy I've met and to frank pop you're not!" CD screamed at her dad than ran upstairs to her room and slamming the door than went face first into her pillow. She stayed like that for a good hour, she turned to her nightstand and sees the picture of her and her mom at the first music festival when she was 9 years old, "Oh ma, I wish you were still here," CD said as a single tear rolled down her cheek while she closed her eyes falling into a deep sleep. Not even an hour later, CD was awoken to the sound of a loud thud coming from the fire escape near her window as she rubbed her blurry eyes she saw someone she didn't expect to visit her, "Raph.." she trailed off before quickly went towards her window to let Raph in, "W-what are you doing here?" she asked as the swag lord in red stepped into her room and close to her "I came to see if you were alright and I wanted to see you again no matter what," Raph said inching forward to her and snaked his arms around her waist bringing her into him. "Raph what are you doing?" CD asked as her face grew hot and reddish "Something I've been wanting to do earlier and the first time I saw you," he leans into her lips, and she met him halfway once their lips met each other sparks flew as the kiss deepened as their lips moved in synced with each other. After a few moments they released from each other to get a breath of air both of their faces were red "Crystal will you be my girl? I will do anything for you," she smiled than she decided to look down a bit sad and Raph noticed "Angel, what's the matter?" He asked while lifting up her head seeing tears leave her gorgeous eyes, he wiped them away "Raph, are sure you want to be with me? I am basically a criminal and then there is my dad, mister Commissioner of the NYPD, your job, reputation will be probably be destroyed if me and the girls get caught.." before she could finished he crashed his lips into hers to silence her than he released her "If that does happen, that you and the other girls get arrested, than you should know that my brothers and I are behind you hundred percent and if it costs me my job and reputation than fine but as long as I have you with me everything is perfect," Raph said with red cheeks and CD was so surprised at what he said that she wanted to cry but didn't "Man, I am supposed to be a bad boy not a mushy guy," Raph  groaned in embarrassment which made CD giggle than she hugged him tightly around his waist putting her face in his chest "I like it when your mushy and bad, also I'd love to be your girl," she said than kissed him on the lips and he returned it.

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