Trouble Is Around The Corner

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No One's POV

It has been a month since Raph and CD got together and everyone,meaning his family and her friends, knew except her father which was good cause he was to fixated on the street performers he always thinks that he is getting close but than he always losing them no matter and he can't figure out why he always does and the reason being is that his daughter keeps warning her friends about her dad getting close to finding them out. At this moment, it was 8 o'clock on a Friday night which CD and her dad would go out to eat to her favorite restaurant, Murakamies which they were heading towards right now, "Alright here we are your favorite restaurant in New York," her dad exclaimed as he parked the car across the street than he noticed a crowd of paparazzi outside the place than saw the limo pull up and the turtles came out with their father/record producer than head into the restaurant "you know what it seems packed lets go somewhere else," He started the car and got ready to drive off before she saw them but it was too late she did see them "No,Dad come on we only come here once a week please I want to eat here please," she pleaded with her dad, who gave into her plea so he parked the car and went inside with his daughter of course they were seated immediately since they were regulars but they couldn't get their usual table since it was crowded by paparazzi so they sat on the other side of the restaurant. Though where they sat was directly across from the turtles not even a second later Raph glanced in that direction and saw his girl sitting with her father, but when her dad wasn't looking CD sent Raph a wink before pulling out her phone to text him.

CD: Hey Handsome :)

Raph: Hey baby ;), what are you doing here?

CD: Me and Pop eat here every Friday it's my fav. restaurant ;p

Raph: Lol the more I know, love you <3

CD: I love you too <3 what are you doing here?

Raph: Just getting some dinner but our waiter can't even get to us cuz of these damn reporters >:(

CD: I think I can help with that lol

Raph: how?

With that she stop messaging him and messaged her friends for a little back up to save the boys. After what seemed like an hour a loud bass sound could be heard coming down the street with the sound of sirens from police cars and than not a second later a car with three of the Street Performers in it drove by with four or five police cars going after them that's when all the paparazzi left to follow them, same with her father "the thugs! Sorry sweetheart I have to go could you go home by yourself," he said getting ready to leave paying the check even though he didn't eat "sure pop don't worry about me, you go ahead," she said calmly trying not to smile he than kissed her forehead  before rushing to the car and taking off. Once he was out of sight, CD got up from her seat and walked over calmly to the guys table "good evening gentlemen, mind if I join" CD said while giggling and the rest of the turtles were saying even splinter. "How did you get the girls to do that?" Donnie asked all CD did was smile "I told them if they can throw them off than they can come and see there favorite boys," CD said while the other three cheers for that.

About thirty minutes later, the girls came in through the front door in casual clothes coming towards their boyfriends. "There you three are, I've been waiting for you sweetheart," Leo said to Starla giving her a kiss of the cheek, "Sorry guys, but CD it's hard to shake your dad off, he is so stubborn," Kelly said sliding in next to Mikey and Annie just stood at the table staring, she wasn't looking to good like something was bothering her "Ann, are you alright?" CD asked snapping Annie back to reality than she just looked at her friends and their boyfriends and knew she had to say something about what happen earlier today at the shop on her shift "Girls, we've got to talk," Annie spoke in a concerning tone catch everyone's attention "What is it? You've been like this ever since we got CD's text, what's eating at you," Starla asked worried since she has known Annie a bit longer than the others "I got a visit earlier this afternoon during my shift at the shop, it was your dad CD, he came asking me questions about the Street Artist, like do I know them? Have I seen any strange teens coming in the shop? Were they getting any of their clothes from us? that question caught me off guard I think you guys know why," Annie said knowing the girls knew why, but the boys were kind of confused until Donnie figured it out "Wait, your costumes were made in your  shop," Donnie exclaimed softly while the girls looked away not saying anything though Starla made an assumption "Annie, what did you tell him after he asked that question," Annie explained that she told him she wouldn't know since no one bought material like that from our store that just gave Starla her answer "Oh we have a major problem now," everyone looked at her till Kelly asked "What do you mean Starla, we are doing great for hiding who we are from everyone except the boys," Starla shook her head before getting up to pace around the lightly empty restaurant "No we aren't, Let me ask you this Why would Mr. Diamond come to our  shop to ask if anyone of the Street Artist's bought material or clothes from us unless what?" Starla asked her friends but it took one of the guys answered it and it was Leo "Unless he has something from one of y'all's costumes that has the logo of your shop on it," Starla snapped her fingers point at her boyfriend signaling that he got it than it was Donnie's turn "Okay so we know that but the main question, Did any of you girls lose anything from your outfits that could have your logo on it?"  

The girls started thinking if they lost anything and one by one, they said no except CD who eyes went wide know she did, "CD, what did you lose?" Annie asked knowing it wasn't good "That night at the Saki's roof party that we crashed when I got shot I lost my sun glasses," the girls gasp, but the boys sighed in relief confusing the girls to why than Mikey said "Dudette ask my bro about the glasses," CD turned to Raph who was smiling while reaching into his jacket pocket pulling out the dark shades that CD lost that night they met "I kept them wanting to give them back, but they been my good luck charm since then," Raph said putting an arm around CD bringing her closer to him and kissing her neck making her giggle, but soon she realized something else "Wait, so if neither of us lost something from our outfits than why would my dad go ask you questions Annie," CD asked earning a shrug from her not knowing why though Starla knew something cause she had this face when she is in thought "That means he is getting real close to catching us, which isn't good, but what we need to figure out is what would make go to OUR shop to question Ann? and What does he know?" 

To be continued........

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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