Chapter Two

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[A/N : Now, let's continue]

Editted last July 15, 2016 3:00 pm

Chapter Two - Visions of the Past
Star's POV

"LUDO!" I screamed "What the Nachos are you doing here?" I asked him "Oh, you want to know?" He asked  "Yes, 'cause thats why people ask Ludo." I explain to him
"Well , as usual : getting the wand, destroying you two love birds, and take over the universe." Ludo said to me "Wait? Lovebirds?" Marco seems puzzled when he said that.

"What.Ever. Get them." Ludoo screamed angrily.Then his army growled as they rushed to me and Marco. First, Buff Frog tried to attack me but I took two steps backward that make him miss his attack. Then , Big Chicken tried to shoved Marco but ended in the corner, feeling the pain from the inside. Then the rest tried to group and attack both of us and until I had enough.

"Syrup Tsunami Shockwave" I screamed and before I knew, Ludo and his army are trapped in syrup. "Come on , You Morons! This is what you get after 2 years of fighting these two on this dimension. This is humiliating. Come on, Back to the Portal. Our boss will be angry because we fail him, again ." Ludo said while opening another portal."Aw, Ludo don't be mean. So who's the new boss?" I asked him while rubbling my stomach.

"I don't tell you everything. But he will destroy you and that karate boy." He said while closing the portal."So, who do you think it is?" Marco asked me all of a sudden, tensions began to rise. "I don't know but one thing is for sure, I'm hungry. Let's go to the cafeteria." I said to Marco "Ok, let's go" He said to me while he's holding my hand , that make me blush.

~Time Skip~

After that long, tiring day (With everything) , we decided to walk home. "Let's sit down first." Marco said "Ok, So who do you think is Ludoo's Boss?" I asked Marco "Probably Tom or someone that powerful that can tear us apart." Marco said. Then I flashback on the time where I'm at Tom's

Flashback Mode

(A scene from the episode"Blood Moon Ball,I suggest to watch that episode or if you have no time , watch it above my story or ignore this A/N)

"Ahem. Good evening, Ladies and gentlebremen. It is my pleasure that I request you now to turn your heads skyward." The Host said. While a cresent shapped appears , the host  continues to talk. "When the light of the blood moon drubbles down and select two lucky souls, binding them together for eternity in its hypnotic , ruby brodum"

"Whoooaaa." I said. The light of the blood moon starts to appear and at the same time an organ started to play that makes Tom sick."Ugh!That's the wrong piece of music! This is gonna drive me crazy. Alright,don't go anywhere. I'll be right back"
He said as he walks away.

I said "Okay" but I wandered off to the ballroom. As I wandered to the ballroom, someone is whispering my name. "Star!" someone shouted me but I ignore it "Star.Star!" someone shouted again but again still ignore it.

Until someone grabbed my hand and pulled me close. Then the light of the blood moon shines on both of us, drowning the ballroom with red light.The crowed gasped. Then that guy dance with me, but I was mesmerized. I smiled like an angel when I dance to that guy.

The guy said in a tone "Star..."I said dreamly "How did you know my name?" "It's me,Marco" He said while taking his mask for 1 second. I gasped "Marco? What are you doing here?" "Let's get out of here. This place is the worst." Marco said to me

Then suddenly from out of nowhere, Tom shoves Marco that make him fall on the floor.Then the light of the blood moon ball closes, making Tom filled with Rage and Violence. "That....Dance...was made....For ME!!!...." He screamed as he called his powers of hell.

He was about to do something with Marco, but I whispered "Frezicus Arnicus" that made Tom freeze. Then I changed his pin from ~53 days anger free~ to ~0 days anger free. "Let's go,Marco" I said.

Flashback Mode End

"Star,Star?" "MARCODOYOUREMEMBERABOUTTHEBLOODMOONBALL!?" I screamed to him."Woah, calm down. Talk slower." He said to me. "M-marco, do you remember about the blood moon ball? I asked him."Yeah, why?" He asked .

"That is the time I realize that I-i....." "I-i what Star?" "That Tom is such a jerk." I said but I lied . "Yeah. Next time, never go to predator in a second location." He said to me. "Ok, Safe kid." I tease him "Ugh, I hate calling me that." He said irritatedly.

"Let's go home now. " He said as he dragged me to go home.

Unknown POV

"Ludoo, you have failed me again." "I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you." "You better,  I'm getting impatient now get out of my sight. " "Yes you highness." Ludo said.


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