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-2 Years Earlier-


I fiddled with my tie, my hands trembling. I couldn't tie my own tie because I was so nervous. "Let me help you, honey." Mum said and walked over to me and took my tie in her small hands.

"Nervous?" She asked. I nodded. She tucked my tie into my suit and patted my shoulder. "You'll be fine honey. Josh was a good kid. You've also got Harry, Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Ali." She said, dusting off the dirt on my suit.

Niall, Liam, Zayn, Harry, Ali. They've been my best friends since grade school. The order I met then goes, Ali, Liam, Harry, Zayn, Niall. We're all freshmen in high school. We have almost all our classes together, because our Mums told our Principal we all needed to be in the same classes. We're at each others flats all the time instead of our own. We spend every Friday together watching movies and having a sleepover.

This funeral was for Josh Kennish. A boy who was the least popular in our whole school. He was bullied, pretty badly. He committed suicide a week ago, due to that. So that's why I was in this black suit, I was going to his funeral. My Mum had sent my 4 little sisters to our grandparents, saying they we're to young for a funeral. My Dad left my Mum after the twins, Phoebe and Daisy, we're born. So I was the man of the flat, even though I was 14.

"Come on, it's starting." Mum said, ledibg me to the church. I stuffed my hands in my pockets, keeping my gaze downwards. We walked in the church. A lot of people we're already here. Mum motioned me to join the other lads at the front, while she sat in the middle with the other lads, Mums. I walked up the aisle, seeing Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Harry sitting in the front, looking identical to me. I sat down beside Zayn.

"Hey Lou." Liam said. I smiled a little.

"Hey lads. Are you as nervous as me?" I asked, wiping my sweaty palms on my trousers.

"Of course. Nialler is sitting over here sweating buckets." Harry said. I looked st Niall, who was sweating buckets. Nice to know someone else was more nervous than me.

"Of course I am! I've never been to a funeral before. Bad enough my first one is for Josh." Niall said fanning himself.

"I know. My Mum had to actually tie my own tie, because I was so nervous." I said. Liam shushed me as the music started playing. Everyone stood up as Josh' family walked in. His mother was crying, and his father was comforting her. His younger brother looked sad, staring down at his small hands. We all sat down as Josh' casket was placed on the white long podium. I furrowed my eyebrows, and looked around. I leaned over to Zayn.

"Where's Ali?" I whispered. He shrugged.

His mother went up to say some words. Suddenly, the church doors burst open, Everyone turned around in their seats, wanting to see who caused such a scene. Ali and her family rushed in. Her family was bigger than mine, to say. She had two older brothers, one older sisters, and 3 younger brothers. Her Dad left, also, when she was younger, and her Mum remarried. Ali walked in, wearing a spaghetti strapped black dress with ruffles. Her sandy brown, medium straight hair, was down and her sky blue eyes were red from crying. Ali was close to Josh. Not as close to him as she was to us, but they we're friends. She was heartbroken when he committed suicide. I remember the day they told us in the middle of class.


I walked into class, wearing my usual striped shirt and red skinny jeans with my white suspenders. The rest of the gang was already here. Niall had in a red polo and beige chinos. Harry had on dark blue skinny jeans and a white Ramones shirt. Liam had on a black and blue checkered button up shirt and rolled up beige chinos, too. Zayn had on a black tee with dark baggy jeans. Ali had on a white ruffled tank with a brown ruffled skirt and a brown hat on. I made my way over to them. Zayn and Ali sat beside me, Liam and Niall sat in front of us, and Harry sat behind us. "Louis!" They cheered, earning a playful glare from the teacher.

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