School At Midnight

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-Liam's P.O.V-

"Louis, calm down." Harry said, rubbing Louis' shoulder. We were all currently at Harry's flat. It was Wednesday, and we we're hanging out at Harry's flat, preparing Louis for tonight.

"I can't! I have to sneak into school at NIGHT! And possible see J!" Louis exclaimed. Good thing Harry's Mum, stepdad, and sister were out.

"Then we'll come with you." Niall said.

"Are you crazy?" Louis asked.

"Friends don't let friends sneak into school alone." Ali said, from under Zayn's arm on the couch.

"I'm coming. Somebody has to be the look out." Zayn said.

"I'm coming." Harry and Niall coursedn Everyone looked at me. I put my hands up in defense.

"There's no way in hell am I going." I said.

"Come on Li Li! Please?" Ali begged. I shook my head.

"What if we get caught? We could be expelled." I said. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Come on Li, don't be such of a goody two shoes. The worst that will happen is we're suspended." He said.

"Haven't you ever wanted to sneak into school?" Louis asked. I shook my head.

"You can keep watch with Zayn outside. It'll be fun! Adventurous! Thrill seeking! Dangerous! A-"

"I get it Ni." I cut off Niall from his rant. I pondered in my head. Should I? Nialler right, it would be fun.. But we could get in serious trouble for sneaking in.. But no one could find out.. But J will be there.. Maybe they won't be..

"Okay." I said, finally.

"Okay?" Zayn asked confused. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, as in, I'll do it. As lo.g as we all wear black and have walkie talkies." I said, and Everyone cheered. I chuckled and rolled my eyes again.

"My brother's have some walkie talkies, I can go get them." Ali suggested. Zayn shook his head.

"You're not going there." He said protectively. She raised an eyebrow.

"And why not?" She asked.

"Your step Dad is home, obviously." I said, grinning. She shot my a glare.

"Whatever, you can get your own walkie talkies." She said, sticking her tongue out at us. I laughed at her.

"What time is it?" Louis asked.

"8:42." Niall said, looking at his clock.

"Haz, can I borrow a black hoodie?" Ali asked.

"Why? It'd be huge on you." He said, confused.

"Well since I'm under flat arrest," She glared at Zayn and I, "I need a hoodie. I don't have to change pants, considering they're already black." I looked at her pants, and she was right. Black skinny jeans. Harry sighed.

"Fine. I'll be right back. Who else needs one?" He asked.

"MEEEE!" Louis screamed. Everyone else agreed.

"Just be glad I have a lot of black hoodies." He said, then jogged upstairs. Niall jumped up.

"I'm going to get a snack." He said.

"Bring me back something, please!" Ali yelled as he walked into the kitchen. I looked out the window. Niall had woods across from his flat that we would always go and explore in. I squinted. I saw a person, with a black hoodie on, at the edge of the woods. I blinked, and suddenly the person was gone. I stood up and shut the blinds. I'm not taking any chances. Harry jogged back downstairs with 6 hoodies. Ali stood up and grabbed one.

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