Part 5

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My plan is nearly complete. I simply need to make it known to Mikasa that her brother is mine in that way.

But thinking back on it, I didn't completely hate it. I actually quite enjoyed it. This will probably make her more mad.

I kind of wonder what Eren will do when he finds out though. It's not like I care but Eren is actually a really loyal subordinate. Will this change how he acts around me?

Levi was walking down the corridor, Eren in tow, as they were walking to breakfast. Mikasa was walking in the other direction. She had breakfast already, fucking early riser. Eren hadn't spotted Mikasa yet, but Levi certainly had. He swiftly turned around to Eren and pinned him to the wall.

"Heichouhnngg" Eren mumbled through Levi smashing his lips to Eren's. Levis leg was in between Eren's legs, rubbing against his manhood.

"Eren!" Mikasa screamed.

"Mmmmhnng" was all Eren could mumble out. Levi was still kissing him and rubbing against Eren. Levi's lips went to Eren's neck

"Levi, mikasa is right tHErE!" Eren could barely get out his words because of his lack of breath and moaning.

"Oh god Levi please hnngg"

Mikasa stood dumb struck, but still had an extremely pissed off face. Levi just stopped after a bit. Ceased all movements and touching. Eren slid down the wall to a sitting position, panting. Levi turned to Mikasa with a smirk on his face. He looked extremely pleased.

"Well looky here, Mikasa. Your brother here is quite the little sub isn't he. Did you know that? Are you bothered? Huh ya little brat? Tch."

Mikasa was beyond pissed. She finally rushed over to Eren.

"Are you ok Eren?! Did he force you into doing other stuff?! Tell me what he did to you!"

"Mikasa I'm fine. My intimate life is none of your business. Although you did see that, you still have no right to interfere with my sexual affairs "

Now's my chance!

"Tch, brat, you think this is going to continue. Why would I want to do anything with a brat like you. This was all just for fun. I'm done with you, actually nothing ever started. Go clean some fucking horse shit or something."

Eren sat there staring for a second. Then slowly got up with a blank face, one that had never been seen by Levi, but one known by Mikasa. Eren simply walked away, back straight as a board. Levi watched, somewhat dumbfounded, but not showing it.

"You little biTCH!" Screamed Mikasa. But she didn't stay. She simply rushed to find Eren.

That's not the reaction I wanted...


The next few weeks, it seemed as if nothing changed. Mikasa wasn't rude to Levi, well more than usual. But there was one difference. Eren hasn't looked sad or anything, but he hasn't smiled once. He listens, even more than before actually. But he really doesn't talk at all. If Levi were to order Eren to do some sort of work Eren would simply bow his head and respond with "Yes Heichou."

Why am I so worried about this?

Levi couldn't figure it out. He never really succeeded in making Mikasa really pissed. Well maybe he did, but he didn't get the reaction he wanted.

All he got was an extremely upset Eren (?) he thinks (?) and confusion within himself.

Should I talk to Eren. Try to find out what that face was. Maybe ask Mikasa. She looked like she knew. I really hate her but I'm curious. And it's not like she is allowed to ignore me.

Levi made his way to where he assigned for Mikasa to work for the day.

"Ackerman, come inside to my quarters as soon as you finish with that chore" she just glared at him but nodded anyway.

Levi waited at his desk, doing work. There was a knock at the door, then in came Mikasa after Levi instructed her too.

"So, I have a few questions for you. And you don't get to ask any, just answer. Got it?"


"Ok well, number one, what is this face your brat of a brother has been making?"

Mikasa sat for a bit. Furrowed eyebrows in anger.

"He is genuinely conflicted and unhappy...."

She said this with a look of despair and the sound of brokenness in her voice.

"How do you know this. I've never seen him look this bad. I know about his past. Surely I can't be worse than that, now can I? "

She was answering without hesitation or anger. She was speaking about something that was a fragile matter, so she must treat it as such... And so she spoke as though she would shatter the air if she wasn't gentle.

"You're not worse. That face he made that day, it was different. I've only seen that once myself. He refused to accept that his mother died, but when he finally did, it was that face that he made. He seemed defeated. We were too young to join the military at that time, so he just had to wait and realize he accepted his own mothers death. He blames himself ya know?...For her death. He believes he could have saved her. The faces he has been making recently are different from that you saw the first day. Now he is just reflecting. You must have somehow given him hope. But you crushed it. So I'm not going to apologize for this... Fuck you Levi!"

And with that she walked out of the room. Levi stared wide eyed at the place Mikasa was sitting.

What did I do?

This isn't what I wanted.

So the reason he is acting strangely too is because he is constantly reliving that day. I shattered everything in his life just because I was Fucking around.

Should I talk to him?

Will he let me talk to him?

Comment or no update!

Sorry. I know this chapter is short and kinda really sucks. But I hope you enjoyed it. There might be one or two more. Then it's over!

P.s. Not edited. Sorry.

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