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"Scott! I'm back! Mom!" I just got back from camp. "Emily!" My mom said while coming into the room. "Where's Scott?" "In his room with Isaac." "Okay. Thanks." I wonder who Isaac is?


"Scott?" He opened the door and gave me a big hug. "Emily! I missed you so much!" "Me too!" I then saw another person in his room. "Um...who's that?"
"Oh yeah! That's Isaac,he sorta lives with us." "Cool." I mumbled.

Scott left the room to go to the bathroom. "So, who are you?" Isaac asked. "Emily, Scott's sister." "Oh" was all he said. "Well I'm going to my room." I said and walked off.

Well this is going to be really awkward. I mean, sharing a house with a super hot guy. I heard the front doorbell ring and ran down to answer it.

"Stiles!" "Emily!" "I missed you so freakin much!" "Me too!" Stiles had been mine and Scott's best friend since they were four and I was three. "Come on, Scott is up in his room." "Okay." We ran up the stairs into Scott's room.

This is my new story. I've been obsessed with Teen Wolf. I've also been fangirling over Daniel Sharman (Isaac Lahey). I hope you guys all like this.


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