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I woke up in Deaton's operating room. I laid on the cold metal table. I sat up and groaned. When I was looking around I saw Isaac laying next to me on the other table.

"Hello?" After I said that Deaton walked in. "Hello Miss Emily. How are you feeling?" "Um... I feel fine. What happened?" "Well, Scott and Isaac will have to explain that."

Isaac and I got released after we both got done with being examined again. When we got home I asked Isaac what had happened. "Peter came back and attacked me. I was laying there trying to recover, but I couldn't and that's when he bit you. I am so so sorry." "It's fine."

We came home and I told Scott and my mom since they already know everything about the werewolves, the only shock was that I got bit. I told them who bit me too.

It was 9:46 when I went to bed. I just laid there thinking. I was laying quietly when my door opened. "Hey." It was Scott. "Hey." "I'm sorry that you had to get bit. I was with Allison and I shouldn't have been." He said feeling guilty.

"It's fine Scott. I just...I'm confused. What happens when there's a full moon again?" "You'll shift."

If you guys didn't know, I've been obsessed with Teen Wolf. Anyways, I hope you all liked this chapter. Happy Veterans Day!






Can I Trust You? ➳ Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now