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I saw the yellow eyes coming closer. I still couldn't tell who it was or what it was. It got closer and I saw its face.
"I-I-Isaac?" I said while stuttering in fear. The eyes,fangs,and hair on his cheeks soon disappeared.

"Get away from me!" I said crying while curled in a ball. "No, I have to get you out of here." He said in a low whisper like he was trying to hide from someone. "You actually think that I'm going with after what just happened?!" "Please, just trust me!" "Fine."

He said to get on his back and he started running as fast as he could. We arrived at the house and I ran in. "SCOTT!" I screamed. "He's not here." "How do you know?" "Because, it's a full moon." "That makes no sense." "He's...he's like me." "What are you?!" "A werewolf."

I ran into my room. "Emily! Emily! Let me explain!" "Why should I trust you?!" "Please just let me explain!" "Fine, but of you hurt me I'm telling Scott." I slowly and cautiously opened the door.

Isaac explained everything. He told me about when Scott got bit by Peter,
Isaac's night at the graveyard,when Derek bit Isaac, the whole Lydia situation,and etc.

I was really shocked and frightened at the same time. All of a sudden Isaac said, "He's here." "Who is?!" "Just...stay here and lock the door." With that he left. I was sitting in my closet when the bedroom door opened.

I saw a figure walking around in my room. I had to keep myself from screaming because, the person had red eyes. The person looked like he was a guy. He started to walk near the closet and said, "I can smell you and I can hear your heartbeat." I jumped in fear. Tears were streaming down my face.

The guy soon pulled the closet door open and dragged me out. I started screaming and crying. "Let me go!" He still continued to drag me down the stairs. He stopped when we reached Isaac's body laying there. "Now you can be with him when you get bit."

"NO! NO! NO! NO!" I felt a sharp pain on my shoulder and everything went black.

I hope you all liked this. I worked really hard on this.






Can I Trust You? ➳ Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now