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"What do you mean?!" "You'll turn into a werewolf. It's going to be hard to control a first, but you can probably control it later." "Why? Why did this have to happen?" I said falling onto my pillow. "I don't know sis, but I'll train you."

           Night of the Full Moon

Tonight Derek, Scott, and Isaac are going to lock me up in the abandoned train. From what Scott says, it hurts like hell the first time you shift. "Are you ready?" Isaac asked. "No, not really." I was so freaking scared. They tightened this waist thing onto me. Then they put wrist and ankle cuffs that hurt like crap when they tightened them.

"I'm not ready, I'm not ready!" I started panicking. "Shhh! You're gonna be okay." That's when it happened. "Ahhhhhhh!" I felt fangs grow out of my gums. I felt claws grow out of my fingers. I started to growl and I suddenly felt a sudden mood of anger. I broke out of the cuffs and waist thing.

Scott, Isaac, and Derek were ready to fight me. "Don't do this Emily." Said Scott. "Remember what I said, find your anchor!" Isaac said. I let out growl and jumped into the air. I went to attack Derek, but was flung to the wall. I let out a yelp, but got back up. "I don't want to hurt you Emily." I started to scratch Derek with my claws. Derek was too weak to do anything.

"Find your anchor Emily." Said Isaac. I couldn't stop. Isaac slammed me against the wall. He looked me straight into my eyes. I then fell go the ground and sat there terrified. "What did I do?" I said. "Um...this." Scott said while helping Derek up.

                  The Next Day

I woke up and was fine. I can't believe that I'm going to be like like this forever. As a werewolf.


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