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I wait in nervous silence as the whole room processes the fact that I'm pregnant. Finally Greg says, "Well, congratulations when's it due?!", "uhhhhhhh, not sure not had my first appointment yet and I forgot to try and work it out!" I answer unsurely, then the whole room erupts with applause. I smile and they agree to let me have a break until around a month after the babies born. I drive home on cloud number 9. When I get home I'm suprised to see the door open, I creep in and my mum scares me, she's making a coffee in the kitchen. "Muuuummm, you scared me!" I moan, "sorry Hun, your fathers here too!" She answers happily. Great, I'm not a little kid and they just act like they own OUR home! "Great!" I say cringing. We go through to the lounge and sit with my dad, mum sets the 3 mugs of tea down on the coffee table, then settles down in a plush velvet white seat. "So honey, I'm sorry to say but be careful because your a dancer and you're well,....putting on weight!" Says my mum rudely, then I just decide to tell them, "Well I have a little person helping me with that," I tell them excitedly, they stare at me blankly, then they work it out, my mum screams and my dad shouts with happiness. "Honey that's wonderful." Says my mum overreacting, "I'm going to be a grandpoppa!" Says my dad happily and they hug me and each other.


Trevor's happy that it's out to family channel, (who will notify the cast!) and my parents. He smiles at me in bed and grasps my hand, so far we're good!

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