Part 1

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It's been two days since I last saw Justin. He's been ignoring my calls and texts and I can't see to find him anywhere. I seriously think I shouldn't have come back here.

I got up out of bed and went to find Pattie to tell her that i have to leave for a couple days.I looked in the kitchen and saw Scooter.

'Hey Scooter, have you seen Pattie'

"No, not since lastnight'

"Oh okay then, thanks anyways' I said and turn to walk away.

"Ameliea wait"


I saw the look on his face like he was struggling with something and I knew what it was.

"What's the real reason you came back after all these years" He asked looking torn.

I sighed. I knew it. "It's a bit complicated scooter, believe me I didn't come back to play with anybody's life. I just really need to talk to Justin but he's been ignoring me so i guess it was a bad idea"

Scooter got up off the stool and walked over to me. "Ofcourse he's been ignoring you. You left him without any warning, the poor guy was torn apart"

I started to get frustrated."I know okay, i know what i did was bad, i know that i hurt him but i think it was the best thing to do at that point" I shouted. I was so tired of people telling me what i did was bad. Yes i know that but they don't know the full story nor the reason behind my actions.They just need give me a break.

I stormed out of the kitchen in search for Pattie. I found her in the living room.

"Hey Pattie, I have to leave for a couple days" I say bearly even audible because i'm just exhausted.

"Why? Is something wrong" She aked. I can see the worry on her face.

"It's Jailyn, She's not feeling well and i need to go see if it's anything serious" I seriously hope not because i don't think i can handle it right now.

"Okay sweetheart, call me if anything okay" She says with a warm smile and hugged me.

"Okay but i won't be leaving until tomorrow morning"

"That's fine. How about we have a big dinner tonight with everybody"

"I don't think that's a good idea Pattie, I mean your the only one here whose welcomed me back with open arms, everybody else just seem to hate me.' I said looking down.

"Oh, come here sweety" She pulled me in a hug which I so desperately needed.

"Okay, I'll come"  

"Good. Now go and get ready because dinner is almost ready"

I went to my room and started to rummage through my suitcases. I'm not trying to impress anybody but I do want to look good. I found my favourite royal blue dress that hugs at the the top and flows out at the bottom and pair it with black pumps.

I went to take a shower and wash my hair. After that was done, I did my makeup and let my hair dry naturally. It's wavy when I do that.Then I put my dress on and heels and head for downstairs.

It seems like they've already started.As I walked in, all eyes turned to. I felt like I was under a microscope or something. They were all just looking at me with judging eyes, especially Justin and well her. I refuse to even think her name because that would just add the hurt of seeing them together.

"Okay, quit staring at her like that" I heard Pattie say.

"Come sit." She gestured me forward. Okay Ameliea, you can do this, it's only dinner. You're not gonna die. Pshh yeah right! I'll probably die by the end of tonight.

I made my way to the table and just my luck there was only one seat left and it was right across from them! God! Ameliea, get over yourself. You caused this. My subconcious is such a bitch sometimes.

I sat down non the less. I looked up at Justin and he was looking anywhere but my face.

"Okay let's eat" I heard Pattie say, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Ameliea, what have you been up to for last couple of years"

It was scooter who asked and once again, all eyes were on me. I cleared my throat before i began.

"Well i've been and editor for a magazine for a 2 years now" I said with a my small smile. I was seriously proud of myself after all i'd been through and i can still say I have a good job.

"Well that's great, isn't that great Justin?" Seriously Pattie, why?

I looked at him. His jaw clenched. "Yeah, great" he mumbled.

I sighed.

"Sweetie how about you tell them our good news" She said while putting her arm possessively around his and staring at me with a smirk on her face.

He looked at her with a warm smile which I so wished that I was on the receiving end of. I missed him like crazy and he's got even more sexier than I remembered.

"Oh yeah, guys can I have your attention"

Everyone looked at them. They looked at eachother with huge smiles on their faces and I could feel it in my gut that I wasn't gonna like.

"We picked a date, it's three months from now"

Just fucking great. I thought.

"Excuse me"

Huh?I looked up and everyone was staring at me. Oh crap, I said that out loud.

"What did you just say?" Wow, that's what it look for him to say something to me.

"Nothing" I mumbled.

"No, what the fuck did you just say"

I was honestly getting tired of this shit. I was wrong for saying that and rain on their parade but it was how i felt.

"I said just fucking great" Gaining courage and staring at him in the face.

"You have no fucking right to come here and say that" Now Justin wasn't the cursing type especially not infront of his mother.

"Justin Drew"

"No mom! No, She fucking left okay, left me, without one single fucking word uttered and she just shows up 7 years later actting like it was nothing and giving a damn attitude when i announce my wedding date. Why the fuck is she even here? Some one has yet to tell me. Why Ameliea, why did you leave, I tried my best to give you everything, why the hell did you leave?" He shouted at me.

I was on the brink of tears. It was all to much for me to handle. I've heard it from everybody but Justin has never talked to me like that and that got to me. I could feel the tears streaming down my face and I felt like i was suffocating. I can't do this. I stuggled with myself until I couldn't take it anymore and just exploded.


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