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(Part by DYING-every-DAY)

He watched the fight with wide eyes. He'd never seen anybody but himself fight so well, but he only fought in tournaments. He wanted to help the girl 'Naomi', but before he could react it was over. He tapped her shoulder of the large girl who's name he did not know, and shook his head. Signaling for her to calm down. He went back to where he was standing and whistled, calling a small group of finches. He held one in his hand and stroked its head. He had always loved birds. He preened the loose feathers from each one, and put them into his book.

When the class ended he went by the principals office, and to no surprise, he saw Naomi waiting to be "interrogated"  by the principal. He waved shyly and walked to theater class.

When he arrived they were all screaming and talking to eachother. He walked around the ruckus to backstage, where he saw a short girl sitting on the floor. Holding herself with wide eyes. He looked at her curiously and sat down in from of her. He scribbled something on a paper.

"Are you okay?"

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