Chapter 28

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"Sebastian." It was supposed to come out as a scream, but my voice failed me. Instinctively, I took a step back, in an effort at freeing myself from his grip, but he was too strong. "What ... what ..."

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" He mused calmly, as if nothing had happened, as if I didn't know who he really was and what he had done.

Many thoughts ran through my mind. I could try to scream or run off, but Adam and my mother were in the kitchen, Sebastian could use them as hostages. My phone was in the living room, on the sofa, I couldn't call Dylan or even simply 911. I only had one option. Playing along. Hence, I slowly relaxed, trying to stand up straight. "Yes ..." I mumbled, trying hard to force out a smile, "yes, it's ... it's been a long time."

"I missed you." Sebastian claimed in his usual charming voice that 3 months ago would have had my knees wobbly, now it only sounded psychopathic. Was he always like this? Was I merely blinded by the looks and his way too good to be true attitude?

"How-uh ..." I successfully got rid of his touch, but in the most natural way possible, "how did you know I was here?" Did he extort the truth from Dylan? Or Chris? Or any of my friends? Did he torture them or worse ... no, no, I couldn't think of all the possible ways I might have caused the death of the people I care about the most.

"Oh, I've always known you were here." Sebastian smiled as he pulled a hair lock behind my ear as an excuse to caress my cheek. Three months ago, I'd have smiled back, now I felt cold shivers down my spine. Funny how your perspective changes when you learn they're not the person you thought they were. "Sorry I couldn't come sooner, I've been ... otherwise detained." That's one way to put it.

"No problem." I shook my head slowly, trying to act normal. "How ... how are you?"

Sebastian glanced inside the house when we heard voices. "It's been a long time, why don't we go talk somewhere more private?" He grabbed my hand to pull me out the door, but I resisted.

"No, it's okay, we can ... talk here." I wasn't sure whether I wanted Adam and my mom to see us. They both knew about him and his real life, my mom would certainly freak out the moment she saw him. I've watched way too many crime shows to not know how quickly this could go sideways.

"I'm afraid some people might be a hindrance." Sebastian mentioned as those voices got louder, even calling my name. He took a step into the house, reaching for something behind his back. "I can solve it quickly, though."

My eyes widened in terror. "We can go to the park!" I nearly screeched, starting to hyperventilate because I was sure, awfully sure he had just reached for a gun.

An ominous smile crept up on his lips. "That's my girl." He gripped my hand. "Let's go, then."

"I ... I just need my jacket ..." I tried to pull back slightly, but he didn't let me.

"It's fine, there's a nice sun outside."

I'd have wanted to insist, to stall a bit more, but I spotted Adam in the living room and heard him call for me. "Okay." I stepped outside with Sebastian. "Let's go."

"Vivian?" Adam called again, appearing at the door when we were on the lawn. At the exact same moment, Sebastian gripped my arm way too tightly for it not to hurt, which it did. If that wasn't a clear message to not let my friend perceive anything was out of the ordinary, I wouldn't know what would be.

I winced a little, but then I forced out a smile. "Hey, uh ... I'll be back soon, we-uh ... we just need some privacy, that's all." I really hoped Adam could sense the stress in my voice and see the plead in my eyes.

Adam's gaze moved in between me and Sebastian for a couple of seconds, but the realization seemed to hit him as quickly as a lightning strike. Just as fast, namely before my criminal ex caught on, he faked a big smile. "Oh, sure, you lovebirds need some time alone, I get it." He waved us bye. "Don't be too late, or I'll eat all your mom's cookies."

Best Friends Don't Sleep Together - A.H. Series #1Where stories live. Discover now