Christmas-Chapter 16

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Hunter's POV                                        Tuesday, December 24                                                                                               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tomorrow's Christmas! I'm so excited, it's my first Christmas with Haru. I got him a collage of our pictures over the 5 months. Haru had been acting weird for the past month. He barely lets me touch him. Sometimes at night I hear him cry. I hear a doorbell, so i go to the door and open it. It was Charlie. "Merry Christmas, Hunter!" He said holding two presents. "Merry Christmas, come on in!". I looked at Haru who was sitting on the couch with his mom and sister watching Christmas movies. "Haru, Charlie's here" I said coming over to the couch. He looked behind him and saw Charlie. "Hey, Charlie," he said sadly. They were good friends weren't they. "Um, here. these presents are for you and Haru" Charlie said handing me the presents. "Thanks," I said. I nudged Haru and he said, "Oh yeah thanks," and then went back watching the movie. "Oh, also I went to the shop last week and bought you this," I said and handed him the present.  He opened it and he looked shocked. "Oh thank you very much!" He said and hugged me. It was the racing game that i have. I knew he really liked it because he asked to play it every time he came over. "No problem," I said. We talked for like 10 minutes until he left. "Hey guys wanna order a pizza," Mrs. Ryuuzaki said. "Yes!" Me, and Mizune yelled. "sure,"  Haru said sadly.  Mrs. Ryuuzaki went to call the pizza place. "I'm gonna go up stairs, call me when it's here," Haru said and started walking upstairs. "wait," I followed him. He opened up the door to our room, and I grabbed his arm pushing his jumper's sleeve up. I saw something I didn't need to see. His arms were all cut up. I put my hand over my mouth and tried not to cry. Why would he want to do this to himself? This wasn't the happy boy I knew, something was wrong with him. I closed the door and yelled, "WHAT IS THAT!!!" I grabbed his arm and pushing up his sleeve. He just looked down and i said, "Why,". He just fell to the floor and started crying. I hugged him and started holding him. He started whispering something it sounded like 'I'm sorry' what did that mean. I just held him until he stopped. I lifted his chin up and told him, "Please, don't ever do that again. I can't stand to see you in pain" I just hugged him again. He nodded and just went to his bed. I walked out of the room and just looked at the door. I didn't know how long i stood there, but I felt Mizune's hand on my shoulder and she said, "The pizza is here," "Oh okay let me tell Haru," I said and went into the room. "Haru the pizza is here," I said through the door. I went downstairs and waited for him. He came downstairs and he sat at the dinner table when the rest of us sat at the living room. I kept looking back at him. We finished eating and I went upstairs to sleep. I watched tv until I started getting tired. I was sleeping for like 30 minutes and I felt warmth, and arms around me. Haru started cuddling me. I didn't say anything and just went back to sleep. I woke up from Mizune running in the room. I sat up and saw that Haru went back to his bed. "Wake up it's Christmas!" Mizune said jumping on Haru. I looked at my phone and it was 6:00 am. I laid back down on my bed and said, "ugh,". Mizune came over to me and started yanking my arm. "C'mon wake up, my mom is making chocolate chip pancakes" "okay, fine." I got out of bed. "Are you coming Haru?" I said looking at him. "Yeah in a minute," He said and I went downstairs with Mizune. I started eating breakfast and a few minutes later Haru came downstairs. "Merry Christmas," Mrs. Ryuuzaki said to Haru. He just sat next to me and started eating breakfast. I put my hand on his shoulder and said, "Cheer up dude, it's Christmas." He just nodded and kept eating. After we were done we started opening presents. I got Mizune a doll and Mrs. Ryuuzaki a new bathrobe. Haru handed me the present he got me. I opened it and it was a survival video game. I said, "thanks," and handed him his present. He opened it and just hugged me. "It's amazing!" He sais squeezing me tighter. "Your gift is better than the one I got you," "No it's still good" "But your's is homemade". We just started talking for a few hours. Haru started to seem better. I know it's been one day, but it was nice to see him smile. We didn't have lunch we just waited for dinner. We played the game Haru got me until dinner was ready. "Dinner is ready!" Mrs. Ryuuzaki said. We got up and went to the table. She had made Ham, green beans, mashed potatoes, and for desert she made chocolate cake. We ate for like an hour. I started getting tired and I looked at the time and it was 8:34 pm. "I think I'm gonna go to sleep early," I said heading upstairs. "Goodnight Hunter" Mrs. Ryuuzaki said. I went to my room and flopped on the bed. Haru came in and sat on my bed. He started playing with my hair and said, "I'm sorry for being so distant lately. There is something just bothering me and I'm afraid if I say it you won't love me anymore" I took his hand and looked at his electric blue eyes and said, "Haru, nothing you can say or do can make me stop loving you. You're my best friend, and you can tell me anything" "At the night of the party, I got drunk and I kissed Charlie. The worst part I kissed him the day afterward too when we went to that fast food place. But I told him that it was the last one and that we were dating. I just felt so bad about it I just didn't want your love because I didn't deserve it and still don't deserve it". What did he just say. HE KISSED CHARLIE?!?!. I got it that he was drunk the first time but the last time. "Why did you kiss him the last time" after I said that Haru stayed quiet. "Tell me the reason you kissed him!" I yelled. "Because, I liked the way he kissed me". My heart dropped to the floor when he said that. I grabbed my pillow and my duvet and went downstairs. "Hunter wait!" Haru said. I didn't listen to him. I don't hate him for it. It just made me feel bad. Am I enough for him. I slept on the couch for the rest of the night. I still love him, but why.

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