Cheating or Innocent? (Part1)

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Third Person POV

It's the second to last day before we the competition starts and Hinata's hyped up already. He's bouncing in his seat at breakfast, making the entire table shake.

"Uh, babe? ... babe?" Kageyama calls.

"Hmm?" Hinata looks up at the taller male who is sitting besides him.

"You're making the entire table bounce."

"Oh! I'm sorry!" Hinata says and tries to lower his excitement.

"It's okay. I'm pumped too. I want to have a match right now!" Kageyama says passionately.

"Uggghhhh! I want to spike! Kageyama, come outside with me so we can practice!" Hinata says, practically jumping in his seat.

"I'm still eating breakfast. You can go down and I'll meet you after I'm done, 'kay?"

"Humph. Okay."

The two part with a kiss that earns then a few looks from people of neighboring tables, but they don't mind. They love each other almost as much as they love volleyball.


Hinata bounces the volleyball against the wall, waiting for his boyfriend.

"Stupid Kageyama. He already ate a plate, why does he have to have another?" Hinata mumbles with a pout. He stops bouncing the ball when he realizes someone walked up to him.

"Hi," Hayato says awkwardly. "Uhm... do you want to practice together? I mean, you're... you're a spiker right? Well I'm a setter and you know you were just kinda... alone.... so... yeah..."

"Uh, sure... yeah. We can practice together!" Hinata says happily. He was happy that his old friend didn't hate him. The small boy passes the ball to the tall blonde.

Hayato and Hinata start to pass to each other so they get a feel of their different styles. Once they think they got it down, Hayato sets to Hinata. The small boy tries to hit the ball but misses.

"One more time!"


Hinata and Hayato start to talk as they pass and soon it was just them against the wall, talking about what has happened in life so far.

"...And then I hit Kageyama in the back of the head!" Hinata and Hayato laugh. "He was so mad."

"You have a lot of interesting adventures with your friends." Hayato points out.

"Well, we're a group of very interesting people." Hinata says smiling. They sit in silence for a moment, listening and feeling the breeze.

"So... this Kageyama dude?"


"Why do you like him? From what I heard from your stories, he doesn't sound like a very nice person."

"Oh! That was before we actually got together. Trust me he's a very nice person now... kinda...." Hinata says softly.


"Well he only yells at me and calls me names when we're at practice sometimes... it's not a big deal though! I'm not some sort of wimp."

"He calls you names? Like what?"

"Uh... let's see... he calls me 'idiot', 'dumbass', 'turd', and uh... sometimes 'weak'... but I know he's just trying to make me stronger! ... right?" Hinata says with a worried tone. He looks to the ground, hiding his furrowed brow.

"That sounds more like he's trying to put you down."

"No! No! Kageyama would never do that! He... he loves me..." Hinata says, panicking. He pulls Hayato closer to cling onto him.

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