Cheek or Lips?

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Tanaka slowly strolls down the empty hallways. Noya just ditched him to go "hang out" with Asahi so he is bored and alone at the moment. He sighs and starts to whistle. Becoming more incited in the song, he starts to bounce up and down.

He snapped his fingers along with the beat and started singing. Soon enough he was full out dancing in the middle of the empty hallway.

"I just wanna feel this moment OOOOOOOOOOO-" Tanka stops when he heard a snicker behind him. Turning around slowly, he saw a familiar girl with pink hair.

"MAE!" Tanaka flushes and straightens himself up. "I, uh, didn't know you were there."

"Oh please. Don't mind me. You can keep dancing." She said, hiding her smile with her hand.

"Heh heh, you saw that, huh?" Tanaka starts to play with the edge of his jacket. Why was he acting so nervous? It was just Mae.

"I would throw ones, but sadly I didn't bring my wallet with me." Mae chuckles. Tanaka laughs wholeheartedly. He flushes a little bit more after noticing she is wearing her cute, school uniform. "But I did bring my DS. Wanna watch?" She holds up the black, rectangular device with a smile.

"Sure. Whatcha playing?" Tanaka says as they both sit down against the wall. She turns on the DS and waits for the game to load before showing him the title screen.

"Pokemon! I can't get past this one gym leader and it's making me pissed!" She says angrily. Tanaka laughs at her angry movements as she explains how the game is unfair.

"And look you see that! Did you fucking see that?!?!?! He just killed my pokemon in one hit!!!! I swear he's cheating." She huffs.

Mae begins to quiet down as she becomes more and more focused on the game. Tanaka was watching her play for a few minutes but then his focus was on her. She has her eyebrows furrowed and her cheeks puffed out with a pout coming from her lips. Tanaka felt a blush creeping up on his cheeks when he realized how close they were sitting. He felt like he was suffocating.

Even though, Tanaka felt himself leaning in closer. He could smell her perfume and he could see some product in her hair she forgot to rub in. He felt us eye lids close as he leaned in even closer.

"Yeah! I did it! Tanaka-" Mae, infatuated with her game, did not notice what Tanaka was doing until she quickly turned her head and their mouths met. Both of their eyes blew wide open. After a few seconds of processing, they both quickly scrambled away from each other, blushing fiercely. Mae slapped her hand on her mouth.

Tanaka didn't mean for this to happen. He just wanted to peck her on the cheek.

Mae can't keep eye contact with the boy. She looks around frantically.

"Wh- Why did you..."

"I-I didn't mean to! I-I'm sorry!I uh just wanted to uh... it was an accident please forgive me!" Tanaka got on all fours and bows. Mae gasps and starts to fuss.

"No No its alright! Its... it's not like I didn't like it...."

Tanaka's eyes blow open wide as he peeks up.

"You liked it?" He asks quickly. Mae responded with a blush and a nod. She didn't reply and he didn't know what to say so they sat there in silence.

After a minute or two, Mae got up and smiled awkwardly.

"Well I should get going. We have, uh, practice in a few minutes." She picks up her 3DS and fiddles with it as Tanaka stood up. "It was nice seeing you again."

She gets up on her tip-toes and kisses his cheek.

"Y-yeah," Tanaka's voice cracked, "I'll see you around." He waves to her as she walks off.


It's been so long my god. I'm sorry this is short. I've been sick and then some other personal shit happened and I'm very sorry I always have excused to why I always upload these late hahahaha. Well the good thing is I got a girlfriend! If you remember, I talked about how there was a hot girl that called me cute, well we got to know each other and now we are girlfriends!!!! :D well, I'm glad to be back! I can't wait to start writing again!

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