Cheating or Innocent? (Part 2)

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Hinata sat on the steps alone, crying his eyes out. The left side of his face was bleeding like hell, but he doesn't even notice because of how much his heart hurts. It aches so much that the small boy grabs his chest. He puts his head down and rubs his eyes, trying to make the tears disappear, but they keep coming.

He thinks about how much he loves Kageyama. He thinks about how if Kageyama just would have listened...

Hinata wipes his nose and sees that blood and snot was on his hand. He looked at the blood for a few seconds, but he was too heart broken to care.

"I hate you!"

Hinata remembers Kageyama's words and tenses.

I love you so much though... I'm so sorry.

Hinata curls himself up into a ball-like position on the stairs and cries until he is tired.

"Hinata?" The small boy hears a fimilar voice behind him. He looks behind him to see his two favorite Senpai's at the stop of the steps.

"Hinata!" Noya and Tanaka ran down the steps, nearly tripping, coming to the little first year's aid.

"Hinata, what happened?!" Noya says, lightly touching his face. Hinata winces.

"Hinata, who did this to you?" Tanaka says angrily. "I'll find them and I will kill them!" Hinata sniffles and sinks his head lower.

"It...." Noya and Tanaka eagerly listen to Hinata speak softly, "it was Ka-Kage...yama...."

The two boys stand still in shock. Kageyama did this to him? Kageyama? The boy who loves this boy the most? He did this?

"Why? Why would he do this to you?!" Noya asks, confused if he's angry at Kageyama or not.

"It... he thought I... he though I was ch - cheating on him." Hinata says with a horse voice. "Heh... he got pretty mad. He wouldn't even try to let me explain that I was being...." Hinata cut himself off.

"You were being...?? Wait. Wait. Hinata are you telling me that some asshole harassed you?!" Tanaka says loudly. Hinata, too tired to talk, nods.

"I tried to explain... but he kept cutting me off... then he hit me and he... he told me he... 'hated me' and-" Hinata starts to cry again. He hides his face in his lap.

"Hinata... what happened?"

The orange haired boy looks up at the two, rubs his eyes, and tells them what happened from start to finish.


Kageyama ran down the hallway, tears in his eyes. He ran past people keeping his head down. He bumps into a tall guy with blonde hair and black glasses.

"Hey watch it, Kin-" Kageyama looks up at Tsukishima with a harsh glare. Seeing the tears in the black haired boy's eyes makes him shut up and keep on walking.

When Kageyama finally got to his room, he slid down the door, letting out all of his tears. He looks at his right hand and grabs his wrist, shaking.


Yachi patches up Hinata with her first aid kit that she brought with her.

"There we go! All better!" Yachi says with a smile. Hinata nods his head softly, but his face was still sad and tired.

"Thank you," Hinata said softly, his voice going hoarse. Yachi nods sadly and picks up her stuff. She waves goodbye to the small boy and returns to her room.

Hinata sighed and stood up. He rubbed his moist eyes and slumped to the men's restroom. He lazily opens the door and looks in the mirror to look at the wounds.

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