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DAY 2/69

I smirked to myself knowing that I have just found another virgin with a really nice body. Well maybe she's a little flat on the front,  but her butt is totally the bomb.

"Hey kookie! Meet my girl here,Anna."Jimin hyung came to me and put his arm on my shoulders.

Anna is a average height girl but with killer legs.  It looks really smooth and i bet she must have just gone for her waxing session not long ago. Her sun kiss halo hair was neatly tied into plaits.  What that attracts me the most was her eyes,her eyes were indeed big and she had the eyesmile that I have always liked in girls.

"Well hello, Anna. Your beautiful. " I greeted her with a playful kiss on her cheeks which made her flush red in the face.

Jimin hyung glared at me ,"maknae,  she's mine.  Hands off.  "

"Tch,  can't we share? "I smirked as i continued checking that hot chick out. I dragged him to a corner,  still smiling to Anna though .

"Whats the matter kookie?"

"Hyung i got a new prey today,  her name is Cassandra Yoo.  She is a hot one , you should totally check her out for me."I smirked.

"Is she hotter than Anna? "Hyung wiggled his eyebrows as I knew what he meant.

"Never seen it.  She's playing hide and seek with me. She covers up pretty well." I felt something bulging as I thought of a imagination of Cassandra in black fishnet stockings , wearing the school uniform with her skirt short, short. Her ass revealing as she crawls towards me , growling, "oppa. I want you. "

I felt a nudge on my shoulders,  "maknae what are you thinking early in the morning?!class have not even start yet and you are already...  "He pointed out my boner down there.

"Just help me with something,  will you? " I wiggled my eyebrows and told him the plan.

"You can count on me maknae.I'll make it right, I promise. "He flashed me a baby like smile and left for Anna.

I casually popped some red hots into my mouth as I feel it's burning sensation, Cassandra will be just as hot.

Smirking and daydreaming, I wasn't looking at where I was going and had bumped into someone.

Bending down and picking up the papers on the floor,  I look up and saw Mrs Kim, our physical education teacher.

"Ah, Jungkook shii.  Mind if you help me out? "

"Nae Mrs Kim,  how can I help? " I politely asked her.

"Will you bring this box along with these paper guidelines to Mr Min?don't worry if you are late for your first class in the morning,just tell the teacher that you are running an errand for me." she requested and handed me a box and also a set of papers.

I grabbed the items and head to the teachers lounge. 

Curious, I flipped through the papers, and it had caught my attention.

The title, "Sexuality Education. knowing what's right and what's wrong. " I smirked to myself and peeped through the entire copy. God bless the person who printed this guideline along with pictures. Looking at them just made me so pleased,  as I picture Cassandra 's body in my mind. So hot.... so so hot.

Its finally the period of time where we get sex ed after so long, i smiled.

I quickly passed the guidelines to Mr Min and then headed to the classroom where we were having FCE,  food and consumer education. Seokjin Hyung would be our teacher which would make the lesson more fun than usual,  why?  Because he is a fuckboy too himself and makes the class dirty.

Its funny how hes actually part of the bangtan boys when hes a teacher in this school .

I walked with swagger into the class and all the girls started cheering and fangirling over me,  I could hear loud whispers of them saying how good looking I was.

"Jungkook oppa looks so handsome."

"I wish i was his partner."

"Our baby would be so pretty."

At the corner of my eyes I could see one who looked down and was fully concentrated on the class 's cooking.

I walked towards her ,  "annyeong Cassandra. "

The girls now started giving her glares and dirty shots , "why her . Eww. "

"So what are we making? "She asked me.

"Making babies. In 68 days since the deal started yesterday." I smirked.

"I told you that im not playing that game !" She put down her utensils and faced me , looking alittle annoyed .

"Too bad. It has already started. If you back out, I'll fuck you now." My lips curled up into a malicious grin.

"Forget about the cooking, I'm hungry. But hungry for you, offcourse. "

She turned around and continued her cooking of what it seemed like , a plate of pasta , but the more i stared at them , the more i found it weird.

Isnt that in a shape of a dic—

I laughed,  where did Jin Hyung managed to find this?!

"Stop laughing and help me cut the capsicum!" She instructed me.

While chopping the capsicum, I teased her,"why is it called capsicum? I mean like cum doesn't look like this,  at all.  Its white and-"

"Just shut up and do your job. Argh!  Why am I even your seatmate in all our classes?! "She facepalmed herself with one hand, but another controlling the fire on the stove.

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