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November 11, 2015

Java told me that someone suggested that our third book will be a Valentine's Day special. (I'm curious about that since February is a few months away.) Anyway, so we decided for the plot, the characters and the title. (I shall not put the plot here or else, I will be a CERTIFIED SPOILER!) But, please vote for the best title by commenting A, B or C.

A. Crime at Valentine's
B. Prom Killer
C. Bloody Heart

CASE # 1: The Case of the Scattered Money

Anyway, we were deciding for the story when our classmate, Francis, saw something mysterious. He saw a bottle with scattered money around it. (It's our project, in case you don't know. The money is included, for further info.) The two of us tried to solve the mystery by asking our classmates. (Mickaella hasn't come yet since it's in the early morning.)

But, one of our classmates seemed so mysterious. His name is Angelo. The first time I asked him, his eyes widened slowly while talking. (Which means he's kinda lying.) Java and I talked for a while about it but when we said in front of the class that someone's very mysterious in them, he shouted: "It's not me. I don't know anything about it." The second time we met, I told him that I will save him from being doubted and that I will be his "lawyer". He suddenly burst into laugh, which makes him very mysterious for the third time.

Meanwhile, Mickaella arrived and told her about our third book and about the mysterious case of the scattered money. The bell rang and soon, it was flag ceremony.

Anyway, that's all for now and again, I am Martin, your dear clever mysterist. Stay tuned for our next book! Thanks!

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