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You pulled all the dead walkers outside the house then locked yourself in for the night, you thanked God that the windows are already barred before you coukd even do them yourself. You went to the kitchen and looked for food. Unlucky for you, you only found a can of pork and beans, opening it up and ate it, yousat onthe floor and fell asleep. Morning came as you woke up and saw yourself in a car "Mornin', Sunshine" a familiar voice said as you sat up from the back seat you saw Daryl in the driver's seat, driving[of course xD], your eyes widened and smiled "Daryl!" You said overjoyed to see him "I'm so glad to see you! How are you? Are you with the others? How did you find me?" "Woah woah woah woah! Slow down, Sunshine, one at a time." He chuckled as you giggled "yes, i'm fine as ever, I'm glad to see ya too, kid, and yes i'm with the others, also. I happen to gofor a run and found some dead walkers outside a house and i'm like 'there might be many people in there' but when i goit in and saw you, i thought 'woah, you killed thatmany by yourself?'" He laughed as you giggled "i was taught by the best" you smiled at him, He was a father to you, he taught you plenty of things about survival "wait you went for the run alone?" You asked "of course not" he said as you looked beside Daryl, it was Rick, asleep "we were spotted by some people before i found you, we did had kill some of them but some escaped." He said "Rick was mostly beaten up so I had him to rest in the car while i find for some supplies". You look in front of you and saw a barricaded town " hey Rick, wake up" Daryl shaking him slightly as you saw a gate being opened by Maggie, Maggie was a big sister to you, you jumped out of the car and run to her "Maggie!" You cried "[Y/N]!" She hugged you "I missed you so much" you sobbed in her chest as Rick patted your head "Darryl told me everything, i'm so glad to see you again, [Y/N]" he said then went inside to tell the others "Where's Carl?" You asked as she shrugged "he might've went outside with Enid" she said, you looked at her p, tilting your head "who's Enid?" " a girl in town same as Carl's age, you'll soon meet her" you were heart-broken 'what if..no..We promised each other' you shook at the thought then reunited with the others and hugged all of them, met new faces as well as Deanna who offered you to sleep in her house with her family and you accepted happily.

Few hours passed, you finally met with Carl, who is with Enid. You walked up to him and smiled "Carl.." You smiled as his eyes widen "it cant be.." He muttered as he hugged you "I thought you were dead.." He said as you hugged back, smiling "I'm so glad you're alright" "me too, Junior" you giggled as you two pulled away and you thought he would kiss you but he went to Enid and introduced her to you, "uhm..hey.." You said, smiling a bit, Enid was giving you a death glare and walked away as Carl chased after her, you felt dumb "You dont know??" A voice of a boy said as you looked, it was Sam "they're secretly dating" he said as your eyes widened more, "how?.." You asked "don't know, but its obvious that they like each other eversince Carl came here" he answered then went off, your heart shattered to pieces 'what? But.. But why?' You asked to yourself. Carl went back at you "i'm sorry, Enid is jus-" "you dont have to tell" you made a painful smile "You're perfect for each other.." was all you choked out,voice shaking, holding back your tears and went outside the gates, climbing to a tree, crying your heart out.

Hope you like it~ I'll update soon enough after few rests.

Just had a major editting and will be editting more sorry xD

[The Walking Dead] =You Have Changed= Carl Grimes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now