=I finally found you= [A "Shawnxreader" story]

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✢Shawn's POV✢
"I'm going to help you find your sister" A friend of mine, [Name] said with voice so concerned. eversince my sister being missing for couple of years. Me and my parents haven't slept for days finding her. [Name] has been there for me and I really appreciate her being here for me.

I tried to call [Name] to her phone but its out of service.. ’first I lost my sister.. now i‘m going to lose [Name]?.. DAMMIT!’ I cursed under my breath. I tried to call her again but I end up having my phone's battery drained. I threw my phone out of frustration "Shawn, honey. Let's go before we get surrounded again" mom said and I nodded.

"Don't worry, we'll find your friend. I did heard she's a tough girl so.. I think she'll be able to survive" she added, making me feel more comfortable and I smiled "yeah.." I replied 'You better be safe, [Name].. I need to tell you how much I liked you‘ I said in my head, praying for both her and my sister‘s safety.

”I‘ll wait here for look out, you and your father should scavenge for food and medical supplies” mom stated and we agreed on that. You all already knew what happened next after that. After getting involved with the wolves and reunited with my sister. There was still no sign of [Name]..

While my sister got sick and is currently recovering, I went out to look for food and medicine by myself, I heard a familiar voice just outside the old pharmacy I‘m scavenging at. I then stealthily sneaked towards the exit to check who it is and I can't believe who I just saw..

”[Name]..“ I muttered under my breath, she was alone, hurt.. I quickly dragged her to where i was hiding, covering her mouth to avoid noises. She bit my hand and I winced, letting go of her but she didn't hesitate to point a knife at me “woah woah woah! It's me, Shawn!”

She gave me a puzzled look, It must've been so long.  she might've forgotten about me “Shawn.. [His L/N]..?” she said, looking at me with a shocked expression ”Its.. really you..” she then quickly hugged me by surprise and i could hear her silent cry. I stroked her hair to calm her ”I‘m here.. I‘m so happy.. we're together again” I smiled but before we could get a proper reunion, A moan was heard from outside the pharmacy, we both cursed because there was a lot of walkers surrounding the place.

”Can you run?” I asked her ”I don't know..” she said, looking at her injured foot ”I guess there's no choice..” I muttered, I conveniently found an empty can nearby and what I did was threw it outside, without being seen by a walker to make them go towards the noise. ”ready?” I asked and she gave me an amusing face because she knew I was going to do something stupid.

I carried her bridal style and quickly stormed out the pharmacy and ran away from the horde of walkers. I didn't care how heavy [Name] is or how much i‘m running out of a goddamn oxygen. I kept running away since those fuckers are slow. I then saw Darryl on my way back and he shoot arrows at the walkers who were still behind us.

“Who's this lady with you?” He said as he started the engine of the car and I placed her on the backseat while I sat on the front seat beside Darryl and drove off to Alexandria. “She's.. an old friend.. of mine” I said trying to catch my breath. “lucky for you, I was looking for food and weapons.” He said.

As we arrived back to the base. I treated [Name]’s injury “who’s this?” Carl asked “Uhm.. I’m [Name], Shawn‘s childhood friend” she replied ”Should we trust her?” Carl asked me again, as I finish bandaging the injury I looked at him and smiled ”She‘s the most trusted person I know” ”Okay.. I‘ll trust her.. Any good luck on finding medicine for [Sister‘s name]?” he asked as i shook my head ”The pharmacy is filled with nothing but empty boxes.. it seemed like the place was already raided before I got there” I said and he frowned going back to where my sister is resting.

I then told [Name] everything that happened and she told me she was injured after her group was outrun by bastards who knows nothing but to kill other survivors and the walkers have probably smelled her blood at the town we were in. ”I‘m actually glad you're safe.. I never thought I would be able to see you again but I always hoped and prayed that I‘d be able to find you again” she said

”Hey.. remember the time I told you I was going to tell you something very important before?” I asked her and she nodded, I held her hands and put them to my chest “I love you.. even until now.. I always prayed for your safety and I am thankful that my prayers are heard” I told her as her eyes started to water

“are you crying?” I asked worriedly and she said “I was fucking allergic with your sweet words, dammit!” she said covering her face, crying and I chuckled “I was so worried.. I was so fucking worried that i might either find you dead or turned.. but now.. I’m so fucking relieved that you're safe.. You have no idea how much I tried giving up on life” she hic and hugged me tight, I hugged her back “I love you too..” she said, we both leaned in for a kiss, it was short but passionate as if the world stopped for a bit, we both smiled at each other. “Let's go meet my sister” I said and she nodded.

“She'll be so happy to see you again”


I hope you guys like this!
I had to like drain my whole brain to write this @w@ I feel a bit woozy now. And I haven't fixed the previous chapters yet coz I had to do this haha its been a long time. ser

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