First day

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Hey guys this is my very first fan fic so please be nice and enjoy the story

Marco's POV
Alarm sounds!!!!
Marco: Agh, Yes ! It's the first day of school !
Marco leapt out of his bed and ran to the showers .
M: singing his favorite song radioactive because he is so " hardcore "
Star slowly opens Marco's room door ,
Star : oh Marco ? ( practically shouting )
Marco came out with a towel around his waist ,
S: agh , ( closing her eyes while turning around ) at least tell me you were coming out ! ( blushing a rose pink )
M: I didn't hear you coming in ( blushing as well )
He ran back into his washroom and changed while star sat on his bed looking at his books
M: okay you can look now , ( still blushing )
S: hehehe ( she said awkwardly ) anyways are you excited to see Jackie Lynn Thomas ? ! ( star seemed a little hesitant while asking the question )
M: erm, no .
S: what?! ( star seemed like she was happy yet she looked like she wanted to hide it , haha )
M: Erm yah I guess I don't know , I kinda gave up .
S: what?! When ?! How ?! Why ?!
( she was throwing me all these questions, I guess it is time to tell her )
M: it actually happen during summer break .
M: see you later star ( I said when we were in the mall star needed to go shopping with my mom so I had a chance to go do something I wanted . )
It was then he saw Jackie and Oscar together , Jackie seemed to be laughing so hard.
M: wait what?! No its probably just a friend hangout but why is she " hanging " with Oscar that tone deaf lousy key tar player !
Marco decided to go over and talk to them , he mustered up all his courage to do something like that .
M: hey Jackie ( Marco acting "cool" and "casual " ) , Oscar .
J: oh hey Marco what are you doing here ?! ( letting go of oscar's hand yet Marco still saw it )
O: what up my man ! My main man ( putting his arm over his shoulder )
M: nothing ( putting Oscar's arm down ) I just saw you and was wondering what you were doing hehehe .
J: okay to tell you the truth Oscar and I are dating !!! ( she said while holding oscars hand )
M: ( my heart fell to my foot , she had a boyfriend but why Oscar of all people in the school it had to be Oscar the first boy star fell for on earth and just like that our crushes crushed our hearts )
O: erm dude you okay ?
M: ( I snapped back to reality ) Er yeah ( I said half heartedly ) so when did you guys get together ?
J: oh it was the beginning of the summer, we were in the park I was minding my own business when suddenly some kids hit me with a ball so I fell over and
O: she accidentally hit my face causing my hair to flip up and then I saw a girl as beautiful as the sun that I haven't seen in forever
J: oh and don't forget about the part our faces collide hahaha it was hilarious ( they laughed together and finished each other sentences )
O: it was then I saw the beauty that was Jackie Lynn Thomas ( Jackie blushed )
M: ( when did they become so perky and not cool and not emo )
O : it was then I decided to get a haircut so I could see my girlfriend's beautiful face
M: ( anymore of this I could throw up eww)
J : at first I didn't think much of him but then over the summer he wooed me until I was so touched I mean a guy that made the first move is just a guy worth liking . ( they both stared each other in the eye )
M: ( okay seriously I need to throw up )
Hahaha ?( Weird awkward laugh )
Okay great so happy for you guys
Yay ( I said while trying to hide my sadness ) anyways I'll be going by now , bye .
I stared at star expecting to see her cry but no ?
M: hey star you okay
S: oh thank goodness!
M: wait what ?!
S: I knew about everything same like you i saw them in the mall
M: no wonder you came back with black and white clothes
S: hehehe yah and no wonder you came back with a skull mask , tacos , nachos and boxes of tissues .
S : I was so afraid to tell you I didn't know how I mean you liked her for so long ! Will you be okay today ? I heard them say that they will publicly announce their relationship today at school
M: I'll be fine , I have been recuperating by fighting monsters with my best friend during the summer .( he said while smirking)
S : no way I have been too , I wonder if we have the same friend , wait who is it ?! Is it pony head ?! Have you guys been meeting up behind my back ?!( she said while pointing her wand towards Marco )
M: hahaha , no star , that best friend is you , star butterfly , hahaha , silly star .
S: oh ( making the ohhh face ) , well I'm glad to say that best friend is you too wild man !
Both laughing
M: plus "phony head " and I will always be frenemies hahaha !
MrsD: Marco , star , come on down breakfast is ready
S: okayyyy, mrs Dias ( she said while walking downstairs)
M: sigh , star you are still so happy when your crush is dating someone else , you are so strong but I know you better then that . ( wait what what's that feeling er that's weird for a second there star looked really angelic not to say she doesn't look beautiful normally but she looks more heavenly and adorable. )

Author's POV
Oh my gosh , oh my gosh , oh my gosh erm erm cough cough sorry had a little rainbow dash moment there anyways there you guys go btw starco is currently 15 years old and they are starting to fall for each other , I'm sorry if there wasn't much starco but the next chapter will be coming momentarily so yay and who knew Jackie would fall for Oscar so easily maybe it's because they lack of boys who were making the first move cough cough ( pointing at Marco ) but I'm glad he didn't hehehehe we'll see you

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