Why ?!

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Hey guys I'm back so here we go ! Bye this picture is by cutie cat 1001 so yeah !
Star's POV
S: why dad ? Why ?!
K: because he's just a earthling who can't protect you ! If you brought back a prince or a knight I might consider letting you date him but he's just a weak earthling ! He can't protect you !
S: dad! I'm perfectly capable of protecting myself ! I defeated ludo's monsters and toffee ! Plus the person a need is a person who can love me !
K: that doesn't mean you can choose a weak human ! You need all the protection you can get ! Plus most of the princes will love you more then him !
M: with all due respect your majesty , I love star with all my heart ! I will never love another person more then star!
Q: honey , she doesn't need a knight or a prince to protect her like I didn't need one back when I first fell for you ! Just leave them be !
K: I do not care !I want my daughter to be safe !
S: and I will as long I'm with Marco ! He can fight just like any guard and he can protect me like any prince !
K: But do you think he can be a great king ?!
S: dad ! I'm dating him not marrying him ! He doesn't need to know how to be a good king yet !
K: I know you too well star ! You will marry him if you're willing to argue with me over him !
S: dad!
Q: now I agree with your father , he might not be a great king on his own but I believe with our help he can be one of the greatest rulers mewni has even seen !
S: dad ! Why ?! Please I beg you I love him !
K: the answer is no and that's final !
My father marched out and left us there .
Q: don't worry star , I will convince your father !
S: mom what do you mean by you didn't need a prince or a knight I thought dad was a prince ?
Q: no star , the truth is your father was a peasant living in the village .
Both: huh?!
When the king and queen was 15
Q: dad , mom why are we in the village ? ( she said with a disgusted voice )
Old king : it's important to know your subjects and interact with them from time to time now , go interact with teens your age !
Q: yes dad ! ( she agreed and walked over to a rough house )
Q: wow this place is stinking yet interesting!
It was then the queen laid eyes on a handsome and strong teenager
Q: wow !( she stood in awe while watching the young lad rough house with a much older man )
Announcer : and the R crusher has won !
K: hahahahaha! ( he then notices the beautiful princess that was looking at him , she quickly looked away )
Wait ! ( he grabbed the maiden's arm )
Q: ow , your hurting me !
K: oh I'm so sorry are you okay princess ( he bowed ) please forgive me !
Q: it's okay !
Narrator aka me ! : you see the queen used to be just like star except the fact she was a little spoiled but she was curious, fun , brave and different
K: I'm so sorry !
Q: it's okay ! Hey can you teach me how to do that ! ( she pointed over to the men who were fighting)
K: but princess it very dangerous!
Q: I don't care , I could take a little danger in my life !
N: from then on the queen was always excited for the weekly visit to the village , the two slowly developed feeling for each other , but when they were 18 they told her parents , they were furious! They sent the queen to saint olga's reform school for wayward princesses , even when she was there she kept on thinking about the peasant
Whom she met three years ago , unfortunately when she was bailed out by her parents she was already brainwashed , she had already become sophisticated her parents realized what they have done and agreed to their relationship in hopes that their little girl would be herself again ! The peasant did not mind the new her , he knew the real her was still in there and one day she broke and became herself again because of the peasant , mewni rejoiced and welcome their old perfect princess, the happy couple decided to get married yet as the years went by the princess's parents died , she and her husband had to become the new rulers , she then decided mewni needed a responsible ruler so she changed for the greater good as from then on they had changed from the spontaneous teens to the responsible rulers of mewni !
S: who mom , I didn't know you and dad had such a back story !
Q: indeed, sometimes I regret my decision but then I remembered mewni needed us so I snapped back into reality!
M: I'm so sorry mrs butterfly!
Q: oh it's quite alright it's my duty anyways you kids need your rest go on I'll talk to your father !
S: thanks mom ! ( I hugged her )
Q: alright now go !
She left us in the dinning room , we headed back to our rooms and before I went in I noticed Marco , he looked devastated, he might not want to show it but I could tell he wanted to drop to his knees and cry , I took his hands and I hugged him tight , he hugged back ! I could feel tears on my dress and I knew Marco was crying , so was I , I had stained his shirt with my tears . I broke the hug
S: what are we going to do Marco ?! ( I said while sobbing )
M: it'll be alright! I promise ! ( he said while wiping away my tears )
S: okay !
I went into my room and cried myself to sleep , what happened to the star who said she will still be with Marco even if my parents disagree , what am I going to do ?! Suddenly ,I heard someone , I jumped up and got ready to shoot narwhals Amat that person but then suddenly I was knock out ! I was thrown into a sack , then I fell into a deep sleep !
Mystery person : we got her , what do we do next sir ?!
Master mind : prepare the video in the morning , oh and don't hurt her just pretend , if you do hurt her , you will perish ! Understood ?!
Mp: yes of course sir
Marco's POV
I cried myself to sleep last night , I woke up to freshen myself up and I headed out the door I wanted to enter star's room to check on her but there was guards , I asked what happened but when they told me I could feel myself collapsing mentally , I fell to my kneed devastated! But I needed to help I ran to the throne room to see the queen crying , sobbing while holding onto star's wand while the king was giving out orders . I ran to them and they told me to come with them , we walked to the movie room and they received a mirror call
Mp: well hello there royal family , so nice to see you again ! Oh and look who it is ( he showed us star tied up in a chair with blood all over her night gown )
Q:nooooo! What have you done ?! ( she continued sobbing )
K: touch her and you shall perish !
Mp: hush hush now you don't want me to end her life right ?!
M: who are you and why are you doing this ?! ( I said trying not to break down mentally )
Mp: now listen Marco Diaz , I want you to do something .
M: what ?!
Mp: come alone to ludo's old castle and fight me for her , if you win you shall have her back but if I win I get to keep her as my bride and you shall be my servant ! Oh and don't bring guards if you bring anyone she will die ! Come at midnight , are you up for the challenge Diaz ?!
K: now let's think this through !
M: I'll be there !
Both: what ?!
M: star saved me before now it's my turn !
No: hahahahaha ( laughs evilly ) good how sweet lover boy see you at midnight !
The mirror turned off
K: what did you do ?!
M: I had to , that is  the only way we can save star ! ( I said while almost bursting into tears) please let me do this , I'm willing to give up my life for star ! 
Q: are you sure Marco ?!
M: I love star ! I would do anything for her !
K: what do you need ?!
M: it is probably Tom behind this ! Anything to kill a demon !
K: Marco calm down !
M: no Tom has gone too far ! I'll kill him if I can ! As long as star will be safe !
Don't worry star ! Hang on, I'm coming to save you !

Author's POV
Hey guys woah ! This was a scary part anyways I'm actually having problems uploading the parts so if you see another part called everybody needs a hero then just ignore that because I had to write this part again so I add in some stuff so yeah ! Bye who do you think captured star ? Marco thinks it's Tom but what do you think ?see you soon and bye !!!

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