Everything stays

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Hey snowflowers I'm back after a very very very very long hiatus! There are a few things I improved on writing , for example the conversations will be like this " hi , I'm River , the writer of this book ," I said as I waved politely , yes my name is now River and also instead of calling you guys 'snakes' I will be calling you guys snowflowers from now on , okay so I'm sorry that I've been slipping from the Star Vs The Forces of Evil fandom , it's inevitable plus Jackunzel is a ship that holds a special place in my heart and it will always be there , I want to say I'm sorry for not writing for so long and that when the sequel comes out I will not guarantee frequent updates , I'm fifteen and in my country we would have to sit for a very important test that will effect the classes I go to next year , I will have to focus on my studies for now and I will only update on Saturday , if I have the chance , sometimes I will and sometimes I won't , it's something you guys have to deal with , I'm sorry but I have to do this otherwise I will not be able to update or write anymore , that's just a disclaimer I have to put in , also I will be focusing more on my other ships like Jackunzel , Mericcup , Hiccunzel and so on , so please be patient with me , I have other books to update as well , anyways lets get to my real welcome ...
Hey snowflowers I'm back so let's do this !!!

Marco's POV
I woke up in a dark place , I couldn't see anything and after a long while my eyes still didn't adjusted to the light , I slowly got up from the floor , I stood up straight and straightened my blood red hoodie , I ruffled my hair in frustration as I saw nothing at all , I thought " this must be one of Tom's tricks ! " I thought as my anger boiled , frustration and desperation arose in the pit of my stomach as I thought more about it , God something hurt , something hurt like hell , but what was it , I tried moving around in the darkness but I felt no difference , my hands were out to try and touch something but nothing was there , nothing was there ... It was weird ... Like I was in another dimension .... The more I thought about it the more paranoid I felt , what if I was sucked into a portal , what if I was captured by Tom's men , what if I went to a dimension where it was a black hole ?! I was going insane , I ruffled my hair once more , I felt desperation , I wanted to leave , this was torture ... And the worse part was I haven't told Star what happened ....

I decided to sit down , take some time to think , not that it helped but at least I knew I wasn't going crazy but all of a sudden a bright white light appeared in front of me , it was a door , my forearm covered my eyes to prevent it from frying , when my eyes adjusted to the light I slowly placed down my arm and gulped , I stood up slowly , confused yet intrigued , did I really have to go there ? Well it was better than sitting here , waiting till I either die or go insane , I started walking towards it , for some reason it was like I was walking in slow motion , I couldn't run ... I could only walk in a very slow speed , I was three feet away from that light when I suddenly heard an angel ... I swear that what I heard was an angel talking to me , speaking to me ... " Marco ... Marco ... please .... please wake up ... please y... You can't ... You can't leave me ! " the voice yelled , it sounded sad , like it was crying , sobbing , I turned around , I looked around frantically for the owner of the voice ... Nothing ... Of course , why would I expect anyone else to be here " please ... Please Marco ! D...don't leave me !!! I ... I can't lose you !!!I ... I need my hero !!!!!!!!!!!!! " The voice cried in pain , it all sounded so familiar, so endearing , so angelic , I felt the urge to protect her , to help her , to make her stop crying but then I remembered my love one , my Star ... It was her , she was talking , she was my angel , Star ! " Star ?! Star ! " I called out , my voice rasped , I was in need of water , I hadn't opened my mouth since I got there , " Star ! If you're there please ... Please answer me ! " I cried as tears pricked my eyes , before I knew it salty drops of water fell down my face , over my 'cute little mole ' that Star loved to refer to , those tears stained my red hoodie , " Star ! Star please ! P..please answer me !!! Star !!!!!!!!!!!! " I cried at the top of my lungs as I fell to my knees crying , sobbing my heart out , my heart ached for her , I needed her here , I needed my Star ... I needed her ... " Marco , Marco , y...you're gonna be fine , I promise ... " Star said as I stopped crying " Star ? " I said softly as I got up slowly " I ... I'm here for you ... " she said once again , but before I could respond the white light consumed the room ... Along with me ....

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