Chapter 3 - The Monster

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     My breathing starts getting heavier and sweat is dripping down my forehead. The damn thing is following me everywhere, how does it do that? I can hear the thudding footsteps of a heavy creature come toward my door. Suddenly, the door is in splinters and the demon is inside. I close my eyes tight, waiting for death's sweet embrace...

     I wake up a few seconds later on my dorm room floor in my fleece pajamas, completely out of breath. My blankets are all over the place, my pillow is on the other side of the bed. I'm sweaty and my undershirt is sticking to me. I wish these nightmares would quit every once-in-a-while. I search around my room for a bit to find my coat and shoes. I grab a pack of cigarettes and can hear my mom telling me she wished I never picked up the habit, but it's too late now, I've been at it for years. I head outside to light one up and to ease my mind of whatever that nightmare just was.

     After driving for a bit to get off school property, I stop and light up my cigarette. The familiar taste of tobacco fills my lungs and my throat and a rush of relief goes to my aching head. Oddly enough, the thought of Jenn came to mind. I could hear her silky smooth voice in my head as she said 'you forgot your notes'. Why does she have to be so pretty...and straight? Why are all the pretty ones straight for that matter? I look down and my cigarette is half gone. I had only taken three drags off of it, the rest was it just burning away between my fingers. I take a few more drags so it's not a complete waste.       
     With the cigarette gone I start to head back to campus. Im glad I live in a single dorm by myself or else I'd probably wake up my roommates coming back at 5:30 in the morning. As I drive in I start hearing a strange noise coming from my car. I back in to my normal parking space and pop the hood. It makes this noise, a screeching metal-against-metal noise, only a few seconds before the entire thing bursts to flames.

     "My fucking car!! What the fuck!!" I scream as I back away from the blazing engine. I let out more and more expletives as the car becomes engulfed in flame. I called 9-1-1 as quick as I could and tried to explain as calmly as possibly that my car was now a burning fireball. They said a truck would be here soon and to stay away from the car, which I was already doing. I hang up and fall to my knees. "", I gasp out as I burst into tears. Today is gonna suck, I just know it; and I wish I didn't have to deal with it. But 9:00 am rolls around and I'm sitting back in class with no car and tear-drop-stained makeup.

      I hear Mr. Sawtelle greet us in his annoying, overly-excited tone of voice and I slip back into my chair. I already want this day done with and it's barely begun. I still have to work after class and study for an exam this weekend. I just wanna be done with today, this entire week actually, so very badly.

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