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I smirked pleased that my Pinetree won his first battle, maybe I should give him a reward.
"Happy now?" Pinetree asked haughtily, knowing I would be listening.
I got up from my seat and strolled down the steps to go collect my Companion, hearing both insults and compliments about Pinetree's fighting. The insults weren't necessary, all rules were abided by but I do understand that physical attacks aren't commonly seen and are frowned upon. Pampering their Comapanions to no end and having them overcome each other with sticks. I'm happy with my choice of Companion, he'll show that respect isn't strength.

Pinetree waited leaning against a wall near the entrance already changed. The shendyt hanging so temptingly from his hips, the cuffs on his forearms and biceps emphasizing the bit of muscle he earned from surviving, the gorgerine hung low over his chest from his shoulders below the gold snake collar I gave him, it's emerald eyes glittered in the torchlight.
"Pinetree." I called to him.
Those topaz colored eyes snapped up to me in a disgusted glare.
"Don't look at me like that." I ordered with a scowl. "Now come along." I turned back the way I came, the patter of his bare feet was he only sign that he followed behind me.

I led past several rooms to reach my private chambers. I could feel Pinetree's scowl burning into my back as the doors opened and he followed me inside.
"Have a seat." I offered raising a hand to the sitting area off to the side but continued walking farther into the room.
I walked up to a cabinet at the far end and opened the thin mahogany hand carved double doors. An assortment of crystal bottles lay along the shelves each containing a different colored liquid kind of alcohol. Unfortunately human made alcohol but fortunate for Pinetree since I don't want him to die currently. I grabbed a bottle of a honey colored liquid and a couple of wine glasses then walked back to the sitting area.

Pinetree sat rather crudely on the sofa with both arms extended out lazily on the back hands dangling almost uselessly behind the sofa, his legs crossed with his right ankle resting on his left kneecap leaving a rather free view up the shendyt if one were to happen by him.
I shook my head disdainfully, I can't believe I was thinking about taking him to a group sit down with my friends earlier.

I sat down beside him and handed him a glass. After he took it I opened the bottle an poured the liquid into each glass.

"Planning to get me drunk before fucking?" he asked eyeing the bubbling beverage.

I set the bottle on the glass top coffee table and sat back, taking a sip before answering. "I'm not an incubus Pinetree. My thoughts are not always focused on way to mark you."
Not to mention those sex fiends are not allowed out of the portal, too many pregnancy problems with arise or several will die from the pleasure.

I heard him scoff in distrust but drink the light beverage. I placed the rim of my glass to my lips for another sip but paused the action, letting my mind pry into his.
Pinetree wasn't thinking of some sarcastic comment that he'd hold back but he was remembering an event.
There was the cheering voices of the Stan twins off somewhere, the incoherent babbling of an infant, and the sobbing of someone crying.
There was a figure on the wooden floor covered by a blanket even the head. Pinetree was kneeling by the body, a bundle in his arms, his shoulders slumped and shaking as the muffled sobs escaped him.
"Mabel." he croaked. "Why you? Why did it have to be you to die?"

Wait this memory is of Shootingstar's death? And Mermaid's birth?

"Hey kid." Stanley knelt beside him, a hand on the youth's shoulder. Stanford knelt on the other side.
"Don't cry for her. She wouldn't want that."

Stanford nodded in agreement. "Mabel enjoyed her time with us even after disaster fell she still made it like the sun was shining." He rubbed a hand in circle motions on the kid's back.

"Think about it kid, if you died instead she wouldn't have anything to smile for anymore." Stanley pointed out. "Her fantasy world would be crushed and no one would be happy."

Pinetree rubbed his red rimmed eyes and looked at both Stans.
"And remember Dipper," Stanford spoke up. "Mabel wouldn't have been able to leave us her daughter." All three looked down at the bundle still babbling away, big eyes staring curiously back at them.

"She has to go with her father though." Pinetree reminded. "She'll be safer."

Even the cheer from the older twins died at the realization. The remaining piece of their joyful niece will be leaving shortly to be united with her other parent.
"Should at least give her a name then." Stanley gruffed glumly.

Pinetree stared at the infant, letting her grip her fat tiny hand around his index finger. Mabel would probably have wanted some weird mixed name for her.
The thought echoed clearly in my head from where I stood to the side.
"Marmibelle." he muttered. "Her name is Marmibelle." Pinetree looked at both great uncles, each nodded in approval.

"You better get her to her father before she gets hungry." Stanford stated. "Stan and I will dig a grave for Mabel."

Pinetree nodded and stood, grabbing a pistol off the store counter as he walked to the door.
"Stay safe kid." Stanley called.

The memory faded and refocused,, Pinetree was running. Barking of Hellhounds weren't far off. The white bundle held snug to his chest as he ran.
I can't die. Not yet. Not yet. The mantra in his head continued until he reached the lake.
"Mermando!" he called. The jumbled figures of a pack of the slobbering demon mutts approaching.
"Mermando where are you?!" the lone twin bellowed stepping into the water cautiously. He looked back at the pack just yards away and closing the distance, stumbling over one another anxious to tear him to bits.

"Come deeper my friend." a different voice caught his attention. The hispanic half fish waved him over from a distance.
Pinetree waded over a quick as the thick water would allow. Soon the barking was replaced with fizzling and the infant's terrified cries were made audible. Both males looked back to see ink black bubbles in the water where the Hellhounds should have been.

"Demon hounds and water don't mix." Mermando explained giving a weak smile before looking down at the bundle. "Is this...?"

Pinetree handed the crying baby to her father who quickly rocked the child in his arms. The infant soon stopped and looked up at the stranger with curious eyes.
Mermando looked to Pinetree. "Is Mabel alright?"

The human male slumped his shoulders and shook his head. "She's dead. Stan and Ford are making a grave right now."

Mermando's eyes widened in dismay, his gaze fell to his daughter and held her close.

"We didn't have the proper materials or experience." Pinetree tried to explain though the words fell on deaf ears.
"But she was happy." he said. "Mabel was happy to be able to see her daughter before...." Pinetree fell silent staring at the merky water. "We named her Marmibelle. Y-you can change it if you want as her father."

"No, my friend," Mermando spoke softly, looking up at him. "Marmibelle is a beautiful name. Thank you for bringing her to me." The two exchanged sad smiles and silent sympathies for the loss.
"I will try to bring her to visit." Mermando assured silent worries with a nod. "Thank you again, be safe."

I snapped my self to the present time to see a raging hateful glare from the brunette. He wanted so badly to kill me, that much I knew without going through his head, for chaos I brought and the strain on his family and the townspeople. I would have let him tried if he actually did lunge but then I would have to punish him which will no doubt leave bruising....or I just show him who is currently dominant here.

I ignored his glare and downed the remainder of my drink. If he isn't going to do anything with his rage then I will just - oh hell I can't exactly permit him just to attack me, that would insult my reputation. That just leaves waiting for him to just do it, how dull.

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