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I missed it, this is not good. The smallest piece in my plan is the one pebble balancing everything into place and I missed it. This is going to be a very long rebuild.

Tad already gave an agonizingly long lecture and a review after Pinetree bit me. Now I have to patch things up with him, again.

"Okay, let's think." I grumbled to my reflection, smoothing out my clothing. "Hounds usually mate and breed with another that provides and protects," although they're more willing if not threatened. "And if the paternal hound isn't present during the arrival of offspring, the maternal hound won't allow them near the litter."

I walked away from the mirror, beginning to pace around the coffee table. Trying to think of something helpful.
Tad is such a negative Nyx, in his review you would think he would provide something helpful.

"Pinetree never honestly trusted me to begin with. I'd have to appeal to the hound blood." I thought aloud to my empty room, then groaned. "Which means I'm going to have to behave in a primitive manner, doesn't it?" I ran my hands through my hair, gripped, and pulled.

But what else? What else would I have to do to be allowed to see my own spawn?
I don't hunt, never did, never even needed to.

I stopped my pacing. "No no no." I shook my head, clearing the ghastly thoughts. "This is Pinetree." I clarified to myself. "Not some animal. His behavior is instinctual, primarily rooted in his mutt's blood nature."
I fell silent with that said left hanging in the air, trying to convince myself that was the truth. Moving around the shin-high table, I fell into my sofa, shrugging off my coat and removing my tie, and ran a hand through my hair again.
"This is Pinetree," I said to myself. "There is no predicting how he will react. I can't appeal to one side." I ridiculed myself. "I have to appeal to him."

This is a shame really, I'm missing the party for Tom and Marco's union. I planned on bringing my Pinetree I didn't expect the Pearl for another month.

"You really are something else, my one." I murmured with a laugh.

The Pines chamber was quiet, minus the giant water tank I had put in with Mermaid's father and half brother. The place had an air of some sort, something I was far from familiar with; happiness, comfort, something I couldn't name. I knew, the moment my presence was noticed whatever that air was would be gone.
Cooing could be heard, deep and gruff from someone elderly.

So he allows them near him...

I shook the thought away.

Quick and purposeful steps, I went to the open door that the cooing came from. Suppressing the jealousy I peered into the room.

Everything seemed to glow in the room. The elderly Pines twins had pulled in chairs to sit, the books knelt huddled together at the foot of the bed, Pinetree sat against the headboard with one arm around Mermaid who cradled in her arms laid my son.
I was frozen to where I stood. I never got a glimpse of the creature I sired the last time I was here, now from where I was I could see him. A tiny mesh of pale flesh half covered with a diaper, wispy tufts of gold hair, and big curious mismatched eyes, one golden and the other red.

I've created many things in my demonic existence, night terrors to the the ultimate paradises, but nothing this insane. A child. I had a hand in creating actual life.

It was crazy, beautiful kind of crazy. And I couldn't believe I made it.

Then suddenly he was covered, once again out of my sight, and pulled away from the young girl. I looked to Pinetree.

He glared back. I truly understand the reason to fear an angry mother.

As I was aware of before, the pleasant air that had the room cocooned in joy and comfort was gone. Because of me. That obvious change was starting to hurt.

I stayed in my place at the doorway, meeting his glare calmly. My hand still stung where he bit me.
Pinetree held the tiny, unnamed body against his keeping the blanket over the child.

I strayed my gaze over the rest of the Pines family.

I know they would try to do anything possible to ease trouble off their head of house. Leaving the room would be a possibility. If I only asked.
They probably think I would even bring harm to my own son. I'm cruel but not without moral.

"If I may," I began, shattering the silence. "Speak with Pinetree in private."
Waiting, silent and patient, as the family debated with themselves. Good ole six fingers was the first to stand and offer a hand to Mermaid. She took a moment to spare a glance at her uncle before taking the older man's hand and sliding off the bed to be guided out of the room. The three humanized books soon followed after. Then, Stanley, ever reluctant leaves he great nephew and great great nephew, grumbling threats under his breath.

I let a few moments pass, just letting him burn holes in me.
Finally, I took a step into the room, setting off the growl alarm. Meeting his eyes calmly I continued my way into the room, the warnings becoming threats.
I stopped at the foot of the bed and settled on my knees on the floor. Resting my elbows on the edge of the bed and eyed the lump of blanket on his chest.

I flicked my eye to Pinetree. "Are you confortable?" I asked innocently.

His defensive expression turned to confusion.

"Do you need anything, Pinetree?" I snapped my gaze to the lump briefly. "Does he need anything?"

My Pinetree's eyes widened. Is it really that surprising when I show caring emotions?

"I'm sorry," I began again, standing up slowly " I'm sorry I wasn't there." Carefully, I stepped my away to the side of the bed my Pinetree laid on, cautious to make no sudden moves. "You must have been scared. And the others, too, must have been worried."
Slowly, I kept telling myself as I knelt again on the floor.

"Hurt." I was startled at the word. He spoke, a rarity. "I-it hurt."
I met his eyes, hurt and anger lied in them with the ever present layer of confusion.
I tried for a sympathetic smile, stroking my knuckles along his spine. "I'm sure it did, Pinetree."

"Never," the growl returned to his voice. "Never told... me." Anger dominated his eyes again. Baring his canines, Pinetree pulled away from my touch.

A sigh escaped my lungs. This is going to be a very long rebuild.

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