Chapter 2

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Sorry again for the delay, guys :c I really should update more often xD Anywho, here we go... I hope you guys like it...


 There was a quiet knock at the door and I turned my head to see Luke standing there. I smiled and beckoned him to come in. He returned the grin and wandered over to the bed I lay in. His blonde hair flicked across his face, but most of it was covered by his black beanie. The black converse he wore squeaked as he walked over and his black skinny jeans had a slight hole on the right knee. He looked at my bare arms, straight at my cuts, and frowned a little.

"Kat..." He looked at me, slightly tearful.

"Luke..." I replied with a slight smile on my face which I hoped was reassuring.

"Kat, I was petrified you were gonna die. When I heard what had happened, I was sat in English and then I got dragged out and Miss Simon from the office at school told me you were in hospital and I was so shocked and I just didn't know what to do and at one point I even stopped breathing. Kat, you're my best friend and without you I don't think I'd be able to cope. I just-"

"Dude, you're rambling. I'm fine. Just a few cuts and bruises, nothing too bad..."

"But you're forgetting that you looked like you were dying. With all those machines sticking out of you and the monitors beeping and Cal sat beside you, in tears most of the time. I assume he told you I stopped by..."

"Yeah, he did... Thanks for the flowers, by the way. My favourites." I hugged him tight and whispered softly to him, "You're not gonna lose me, Luke. You'd never leave me, so I'm not gonna leave you. And even if I wanted to, I don't think I could. I love you too much. You're my best friend."

He grip on me tightened and I buried my face in his neck. We sat there for a moment and just hugged. There was another knock on the door: Cal.

"Hey, dude." Cal pulled him in for a man hug.

"'Sup man?" Luke replied, smiling a little.

"How you been?"

"Just worried about her, the usual really."

"Well, she'll be okay now, hopefully. I'm not letting them anywhere near her again."

"She's always welcome to stay at mine. Why were you there in the first place? You moved out ages ago."

 "I just thought I'd go see her, see how she was getting on and I just found her there..."

"What about your mom and dad...?"

"Well, no doubt mum was at the pub. And dad's car wasn't there so..."

"Hmm... well, like I said, she can stay at mine."

"Okay, thanks man." Cal pulled Luke in for another hug, "You take care of her, okay?"

"I will man. Nothing bad's gonna touch her again." Luke turned and smiled at me.

Cal sat beside my bed and Luke set himself beside me on the bed, gripping my hand tight. I glanced at my arms, then up at him and teared up a little. He pulled me in for another hug and squeezed me. Slowly, tears began running down my face.

"Just think, 2 more sleeps until Warped." He whispered gently in my ear as I laughed.


Sorry I took so long to update, I've had exams and revision and shizz. ;-; Yeah, the guy to the left is Luke :p -->

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