Chapter XVII : One Burning Kiss

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Throw me to the flames

Watch me burn!

Set my world ablaze

Watch me burn!

I shared a tent with a Grim Reaper that night.

There were several reasons for this. Number one, Ciel and I couldn't sleep together, for Violet and Sebastian would end up killing each other. Number two, if Sebastian were to sleep with myself, that would leave Ciel defenceless to the whims of the Reaper, and besides – Sebastian didn't need sleep, whereas Violet and I both did. It was the obvious, logical choice!

Sebastian was not happy about that.

Not at all.

"For a clever girl, I find it difficult to believe that you had such a stupid idea," he murmured in my ear, making me start so violently that I almost hopped into the smouldering fire in front of me.

"Oh, Christ, Sebastian, you're going to give me a heart attack."

"I do hope so. That was the intended purpose." He bent and nestled himself down on the log beside me, both of his arms draped over his knees, warming his pale hands in the light of the flames. He'd cast off his gloves, betraying the contract seal once more. I found a pang, as I wished that it matched mine, that he would own me.

Filthy, filthy girl.

"You don't like Violet," I said, very quietly; Gregory was standing a little bit away, snapping tent poles together with a sort of bored yet ruthless efficiency. "At all. Less than Grell, at least you smiled at him."

"He is a Shinigami, I am not meant to like him."

"I like him." I stared into the fire for a moment, before a smile began to curve on my lips. "Sebastian, are you jealous of Violet?"

"Why on earth would I be jealous of that idiotic man?" He turned, and gave me his own beaming, closed-eyed grin. "After all, he has nothing that I want. A horrific past and a broken relationship."

"I wouldn't think that you would care for either of those things."

"After living amongst humans for so long, their emotions begin to affect you." A long, suffering sigh. "Must you assault me with questions?"

"Sorry." I hid my smile behind my hand. "What will you do while we rest?"

"I don't know. Secure the perimeter, more than likely. Prepare food for the morning. Try not to think about that –"

"Something wrong, demon?"

Violet's head appeared over my shoulder, his voice innocent, and I laughed out loud.

"You have perfect timing, sir."

"Indeed, I do. The tent is ready." He held a gloved hand out to me, his bright eyes flickering towards Sebastian. "Shall we?"

"Of course. Goodnight, Sebastian." I stood up and brushed my skirts down, which were looking quite crumpled and dirty at this stage. He gave me a nod, turning back to the fire, the flames of which shone off his pale skin. He looked like something otherworldly in the half-light, something magical. Enticing, enchanting.

"Pull it together, or you'll start to drool," Violet said sarcastically, as we crossed the small, makeshift campsite to where our tent was pitched. I rolled my eyes at his negative tone, lifting the flap and crawling inside. After such a lavish lifestyle for the past few months, I was surprised to be actually excited to touch the downy blankets that were the only thing between us and the grassy ground. Pulling my boots off, I set them neatly in a corner and began to pull the pins out from my hair.

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