A stange walk to school

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I open my eyes very slowly and once i see the light i shut them .Covering my eyes with my arm , I sit myself up . 'I hope he's sleeping ' I say to myself . I get off my bed and go to check if he's sleeping , hopefully he is. I tiptoe down the hallway and peek inside his room , he was oviously drinking last night there is about 5 bottles of beer on his bedside. Yes, he's sleeping ,if I hurry I can go to school in peace . I run back to my room and and quickly get ready for school.

When I was ready I went downstairs, grabbed a cold waffle and walked outt the door . Usually when I'm walking to school it feels like 2 minutes ,because I just stare at the ground and clear my head .I also count every street I pass . Street 1........Street 2.... Street 3........ Street 4.- "What the Hell?" what is that noise ? girls? Screaming? I look around trying to see where it's coming from , then I see 4-oh 5 boys running toward me. Of coarse I just stand there like an idiot , staring at them . One boy had blonde hair and really nice blue eyes , another had brown hair that went all directions and greyish-blue eyes. The third boy had really curly ,brown hair and really nice green eyes. The next boy had black hair and nice brown eyes . The last boy -wow he was cute- had brown hair with cute brown eyes.

The boys were getting closer and closer until.....


hope you enjoyed it so far .






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