Chapter 16:

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As I was walking down the steps of boys' house I heard steps behind me and turned around.

"Aera said you didn't have a car " Louis said

"Ya but I'm fine with walking." I smiled.

"No c'mon I'll take you in my car."

He says and takes my wrist and leads me too his car. His car was a white Lamborghini . He opens the car door for me and I thank him , his car has that new car smell that I love with a hint of mint. Once Louis got in the car he put his seatbelt on and turned the car on.

"Do you mind if I put the radio on? "he asks

"No, not at all"

Louis turns the radio channel to 96.5 and Wrecking ball by Miley Cryus comes on. Louis starts singing and sounds amazing , oh I forgot he's and a famous singer in a boyband. Aera is always trying to get me to listen to the new kind of music , but I'm into stuff like the fray and Secondhand Serenade .

"Louis do you have a song called Beautiful ?" I ask and he laughs.

"No it's called What Makes You Beautiful , so you don't know us."

"Honestly I don't pay attention to the new music I'm into old music ."

"Oh ok "


15 minutes fly by with Louis and I talking about random stuff.

'You have arrived at your destination' Louis' GPS announces .

"Are you sure this is where you live?"

"Ya bye" I say jumping out of the car and waving goodbye before he could ask anymore questions .

He drives off and I start walking to my house . When I walk in the house it looks trashed, there is broken glass and a smashed chair on the floor .I smell the scent of alcohol and I see my dad on the couch with bottles of beer in his hand.

"Where the fuck were you?!" He says standing up with the bottle still in his hand and walking closer to me .

"I already told you I was staying at a friends house."

"What friend?!" he yells

"Aera" I squeak , I'm really bad at lieing .

"Don't lie to me! Where the fuck were you ?! " He throws the bottle of beer behind me and it smashes , pieces of glass cutting my skin.

"I was over my friends house from school "I squeaking again . God dammit I need to learn to lie . He takes one of the broken legs of the smashed chair and starts beating me with it .Once I'm on the floor he starts kicking me and I can't get up.

"I'm gonna ask you one more time where were you?!"

"I met a couple of boys yesterday and I went over their house" I cry rubbing all the places he hit me."

"You slept over their house?!"

"Yes only because Aera was sleeping over! Aera and I used the guest room. I promise I didn't do anything !" I cry tears streaming down my face .

"Do you know what ?Now your not aloud to go anywhere other than school and the store if I need something. Now get your ass in your room." he kicks me one last time and I whimper

I run upstairs and slam the door and lock it. I slide my back down the door and grip my hair crying.

What did I do to deserve this? If my mother was ,here my life would be so much better. What's the point of even staying alive if I'm gonna be tortured. I've went through this for 4 years , it doesn't seem like much but it is. .Maybe I shouldn't be alive. No ,Aera would be devastated . I look up at the window and think . Should I ? I get up and check my wallet to see how much I have from working at Starbucks. $236 . I think it might be enough. I gather all my clothes and everything I need and put it into a bag. Once I have everything I take a second to think about what I'm doing and I climb out.

Where am I gonna go? Maybe I should talk to Aera and tell her about everything that has happened. I hope she is still not at the boys' house. I take out my phone and call Aera.




"Are you still at the boys' house?"

"Ya why? Are you coming back?"

"I don't know I need to tell you something important."

"Ok, but can you just come over here and tell me?"

"I guess"

"Ok see you later."

"K bye"


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