Made a new friend

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I open my eyes but feel so dizzy so I hold my head up and straighten myself.

I'm at the hospital , great.

Shit! Their gonna see all my bruises and scratches !

I get up fast , -not a good idea- and fall down. I get up again balancing myself by putting one hand on the bed and the other on the table.

I open the door and see a bunch of doctors ,and close it again. This can't be happening . Why ?

I peek again and see one doctor coming toward the door along with the 5 boys from this morning. Laying back down on the bed I close my eyes and act like I was still passed out.

"Are you guys related to her in any way??" The doctor said while holding up a clipboard .

"No-yes,yes we are "

"How ?"

"Her ...brothers."


"Names ,please?"the doctor said

"I'm Liam this is Niall ,Louis ,Zayn and Harry."

Now I know their names.

"Ok ,well we found a bunch of scratches ,bruises and cuts.But most of them are not from today ."

No, please don't say it . I say over and over again in my head.

"What do you mean,like she's being ..." Louis said

"Abused" the doctor finished

I couldn't take it anymore.

I turned over so that they would pay attention to me.

"Is she waking up?" Zayn asked

I opened my eyes ,and the boys gathered around me.

The Doctor helped me sit up and asked me some questions.

"Full name?"

"Nina Stewart Robinson"



I could see the boys' eyes widen from my answer.the doctor looked at me with question.

"I know I don't look 20 but c'mon I'm not that short ."

He looked back at his clipboard .

"Last time you had your period?"

"Why do you need to know that?"

I could hear the boys chuckling at my question and even more at his answer.

"Just in case your pregnant "

"Umm...last week"

"Is their someone at your home that umm....hits you in anyway?"he asked

"No "

"Are you sure"


"Ok , you will be free to go in 20 minutes."he walked out of the room and the boys just stood there staring at Me.

"May I help you?"I said obviously not in a good mood

They all turned around except one ,Louis .

"Can we be friends?"

I did not see that coming .

"Uh....ya..sure." He smiled at me and I smiled at him .

"Soooo....where do you wanna go when you get out of here ?"Liam said

"Home ,I guess?"I replied

"How about you come over our mansion ?"Louis offered

"Umm...Louis ,what will the press think?" Zayn said

"Ya ,they'll probably think one of us is dating her"Niall said

"But- Can I borrow someone's phone?" I interrupted

Niall handed me his phone. And I dialed the number I needed.

"Hello ,Aera ? ...ya I'm at the hospital can you come? Alright see you soon."

I ended the call and gave Niall his phone back .

"My best friend is on her way."

Hope you enjoyed it.



***put in your library***


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