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Alison's POV:

Aera was in my hospital room within 5 minutes. When Aera first walked in. Louis' face lit up, Aera didn't bother looking around she came straight toward me and when she looked down her face dropped.

"W-what happened to y-you?"

After I finished telling her what happened in short form .She turned to the boys.

She took a glance at all of them but stopped at Louis .

"What are your names?"she said gently .

I'm Louis ,this is Niall ,Liam ,Harry and Zayn ." He smiled at her and she slightly blushed.

"What's your name ?" Louis asked


"Beautiful name" he said then Aera's face was a bright shade of red.

"Thank you"

"So Sophia can you come over ?"

"Umm...Zayn said something about the press?"

"Ya but I'm sure we will find a way to sneak you without the paps getting any pictures." Liam said

"Ya and maybe Aera can come too ?" Louis said

"Ya sure" she smiled

"I'm gonna go change" I said still in my hospital clothes .

As I got up I saw Louis staring at my scratches . I hope he's not suspecting anything.


After I got dressed , my phone vibrated in my back pocket of my skinny jeans. I slipped it out and it said:


Ok I'm waiting for you in my car, we're splitting up kk?


Kk be right there

I put my phone in my pocket and walked out the door. I looked around and finally saw Aera's car. I ran toward it and jumped in.

"The boys put their address in my GPS, so we're good but we have to put our hoods up before getting out of the car."

"Ok"I said as Aera started driving .

"Don't you think it's a bit weird we're going to 5 strangers' house?"

"No , I feel like I trust them , I don't know why but I do."

"Ok ,but just make sure you know what your gonna say to them before you do "

"Ya I know." Then something hit me.

"Aren't you supposed to be at school ?"

"I told the teachers I had a blatter infection ." She said casually .

"They believed you?!"

She nodded " Teachers will believe anything." I laughed

"Wow I'm hungry." I said rubbing my belly.

"Oh " Aera pulled out a bag of carrots from the glove compartment .

" thank you."

She stuffed one in her mouth. "Suit yourself ...

Mmmmmm , yummy"

I quietly laughed to myself.

~~~~10 minutes later~~~~

"You have arrived at your destination " Kevin announced. ( she named her GPS Kevin ).

I unbuckled my seatbelt and pulled up my hoodie.

"Ready?" I asked

"Ready Freddy"

We hopped out of the car and walked up to the HUGE house.

"Damn" I whispered

"You took the words right out of my mouth."

We quickly walked up to the house and knocked.

"Alison that's so old fashioned." Aera said

"Knock knock"

"Aera that's not gonna wor-

Louis opened the door.

"I stand corrected"


So far Louis gave us a tour of the kitchen ,living room ,dining room ,bathroom ,basement (hang out) and the attic .Next we were going to Niall's room .

Nialls room had green walls with a big Irish flag next to his bed. He had ALOT of pictures of his family and friends. He also had a a picture if him that ,Louis said a fan made. On the other side of the room had a flat screen TV. Wow they have awesome rooms!

Next was Zayns room , his was similar by the size but different wall colors and stuff. Zayn's wall color was baby blue ,which matched his bed sheets.he also had pictures of his family , friends and his pets. He had s flat screen TV too.

When we finished the tour we sat down on the floor and played truth or dare.

"I'll start " Niall suggested

"Zayn ,truth or dare?"

"Wait ,what do we do if we don't do the dare or answer the question ?"Aera asked

"How bout they have to stick their hand in the toilet?" I suggested

They all stared at me like I was a weirdo .

"Wow Alison , that's an awesome idea , you remind me of myself." He high fived me and they all agreed.

"Dare" Zayn said

"I dare you to jump in the pool with your clothes on"

"But it freezing outside!"

"I dared you"

"Ugh"Zayn walked outside followed by all of us. Harry was recording Zayn and so was Niall .

When Zayn jumped in ,a wave of guilt washed over me .

He popped his head out of the water and shivered.

"Guys what if he gets sick." I ran to Zayn and helped him out . Niall gave Zayn a towel and he dried himself .

"Thanks "

"No problem" I smiled at him

"Let's finish the game " Louis suggested

"Ok " we all say back down

"It's my turn, Liam truth or dare?"

"Dare" he answered

"I dare you to kiss Aera " Zayn dared.

Right when Zayn said that felt something weird in my stomach was I jealous ?

I can tell Louis was jealous I can tell when someone likes my best friend ,and Louis DEFINETLY does. I'm gonna talk have to talk with him later .


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