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Moonstar watched was her warriors fought against the Squirrelclan warriors. Her clan's warriors fighting with pride. She saw joy in her deputy Grassblade's eyes. Grassblade fought well, her moves just how she had trained to do them, some were long swipes other short and crisp. Grassblade was fighting side by side with Poppydrop. Their moves the same every time. The two were fighting and Squirrelclan she-cat blocking the nursery. The she-cat was a white she-cat with a thick and fuzzy pelt.

Poppydrop and Grassblade both backing her into the nursery. Moonstar heard has a Squirrelclan warrior yell to her, "Why don't you fight with your warriors?!"

The cat who called out was a reddish brown she-cat with black ears and white paws. Moonstar said to her " You can't ask or tell me anything, if one more cat asks me something I'm gonna fight and you don't want me to fight."

The she-cat looked at Moonstar and said "Oh yeah! Well I want you to fight so come on down here right now!"

The cat didn't know what they were talking about so Moonstar called to her warriors " Leafclan retreat!" the Leafclan cats ran out of the camp as fast as possible.

Moonstar looked out to the crowd of hurt and dead cats only one Leafclan cat was dead. That cat was Poppydrop's brother Hopstep. Moonstar grabbed the dead warrior by the scruff and took one last glance at her former home and clanmates. A she-cat with fur the color of dawn stared at her, making Moonstar feel ashamed. No more Leafclan cats were in the camp just Squirrelclan cats and a former Squirrelclan cat that cat was Moonstar.


Snowmoss watched as Condorheart padded back into camp, prey in his jaws. He padded over towards his mate and kits. Oakripple took the food gratefully. Just then, Pouncestar called, "Let all cats old enough to jump the fence gather around to hear who's going to the gathering."

Snowmoss looked to the sky, she realized that it was a full moon. Pouncestar mewed, "The cats that will be joining Marigoldsky, Rabbitfrost and I are: Ravenmist, Thistledusk, Cedarspeck, Sootpaw, Antears, Stagspot, Toadpaw, Hareslip, Dovemist, Condorheart, and Oakripple."

Oakripple then stood up, "But, Pouncestar, what about the kits? Who will watch them if both Condorheart and I are going to the gathering?"

Standing up Snowmoss mewed, "The other elders and I will be willing to watch them for you Oakripple."

She dipped her head gratefully, "Thank you so much."

"With that settled let's go to the gathering." Pouncestar started towards the fence, the rest of the cats following close behind.

After they left, Snowmoss, Mistyleap, and Crowstrike padded towards where the kits were playing. Lochkit mewed, "Where did Oakripple and Condorheart go?"

Crowstrike purred, "They went to gathering with Pouncestar, but they'll be back later."

"Can we go to the gathering?!" Brindlekit mewed.

"No," Mistyleap mewed, "You get to stay here with us!"

Smokekit mewed, "Could you tell us a story?!"

"What do you wanna hear about?" Snowmoss mewed.

The kits settled down ad briefly talked to each other. They turned towards the elders and Brindlekit mewed, "About one of the old leaders of LeafClan."

Crowstrike mewed, "Which one do you want to hear about? There was Hazelstar, Birchstar, Fallowstar, and of course Moonstar."

Lochkit tilted his head, slightly confused, "Wasn't Moonstar the first leader of LeafClan?"

"Of course she was, fuzzbrain!" Mewed Smokekit. 

Crowstrike gave Smokekit a amused glance and mewed, "So is it settled? You want to learn about Moonstar?"

The kits all nodded as they laid down next to each other snuggled, Snowmoss began, "This is the story of Moonstar, the founder of our great Clan..."

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