Siall is Back

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(Scar's pov) 

I woke up and looked at the clock to see it was 3:00 in the morning and then I heard my phone going off so I answered it to be met with Niall's voice. "What do you want..I told you our friendship was over"I said walking downstairs "I don't if we re going to talk this out we are going to Nando's..because then I know you can't do anything..sure..whatever..see you in 20 minutes and if you are late I'm leaving..bye" I said throwing on my boots and grabbing Alex's keys and walking out the door. I drove to Nando's a minute early and saw Niall at a table.I walked in and sat down across from him "Start talking Horan" I said "Thanks for this" he said "Cut the crap and start talking" I said growing more annoyed. "I don't know what happened last night but seeing you with him just made me made made seeing the pictures of you with him and when I called you and you came over something came me and I don't know it's just like all that jealousy and heartbreak came out at once and I just lost control and my feelings came over and I don't know how far I would have let it go if Lou didn't come in and i just want to say I'm sorry" he said tearing up. "Aww don't cry it's okay I forgive you and to be honest I was fighting myself to get you to stop" I said "Wait what did you just say that you were trying to convince yourself to make me stop" he said looking confused. "Yeah" I said. "So what your saying is you would have you know" he said getting that mischievous look in his eyes. "Yeah and what are you planing" I asked "Oh nothing" he said sliding next to me in the booth "Niall what are you doing" I said but he never replied because I was in his arms and telling me to grab everything off the table and walking out the door to his car. He put me in the passenger side and ran around to the driver side and asked for the keys. "Where are you taking me" I asked but he told me to not worry about it. We sat in silence and Niall his hand on my thigh but  I smacked him away but he kept doing it until we got to his house and he jumped out with everything I brought and his keys in his pocket and then he had me in his arms with my legs wrapped around his waist. "Ni what are you doing' I asked "Don't worry about it princess everyone's asleep" he said and I grew even more confused. "Grab the keys from my pocket so we can get in" he said and I did "Here" I said leaning back so I could hand him the keys and I almost fell but Ni caught me and unlocked the door. "I can walk you know" I whispered "No walking for the princess" he said and kissed my forehead then took us upstairs to his room. "Ni" I warned "What princess is something wrong" he questioned opening his door. He set me on the bed and took off his shirt and one thing led to the next. 

(later on in the morning) 

"What the heck happened last night and why am I in Niall's room"  I though to my self then everything came flooding back. I jumped up only to see I was the only one in the room. I went into the bathroom and I looked like crap. I borrowed Niall's brush and detangled my hair and washed my face then went downstairs. I knew I was wearing clothes but I had no idea what clothes. I got downstairs and saw everyone looking at me like I had two heads except Niall. "Umm hi boys" I said "Niall other room now" Liam said and I knew he knew. "Hey Scar when did you get here" Lou asked "Umm like 3:30 4:00 in the morning I think" I said "Interesting and how did you get here he asked and I told him " Did anything happen last night or should I say this morning" he said "Umm nope" I said playing dumb "  I know and so does everyone in this house plus the girls" "WHAT HOW DO THEY KNOW" I screamed "I may have called them and told them" he said "YOU WHAT" I screamed again "Yeah and they told us to congratulate you and they promise not to tell anyone" he said and Harry saw how mad I was so he came and held me back until Liam yelled for me. "Tell my friends I love them" I said and walked into the living room where he was with Niall. "Sit" he said and I did as I was told because I guess he can get really mean when he his mad. "Explain" he said so I did with input from Niall. "You both are grounded and you go upstairs and change and go home to your room and no texting Niall" he said and pointed upstairs. "Yes bub" I said and went upstairs and heard Liam tell Niall I could get dressed by myself. I finished up and walked downstairs yelling goodbye to everyone and Niall gave me a kiss and said he would text me later. I then realized Alex's (basically mine) car was still at Nando's so I went back inside and asked for a ride and Niall volunteered bit Liam quickly shut that idea down and said he would take me. We drove in silence and I got dropped off and then I got in my car and drove home to see 3 mad faces and 3 happy faces and 1 crying face (you can guess who's face is what) "Um hi boys" I said and they all went off on me and then I started to cry and that made the girls go off on the boys which led to the girls dragging me upstairs to the rooms we were sharing and told me to pack up all my stuff and meet me downstairs in 30 minutes. I did as I was told and when I went downstairs the girls grabbed all my stuff and me and threw it into the taxi and that's how we ended up in a hotel. After we unpacked I got a text form Alex saying it was over and one from Niall asking me back out. I didn't reply to Alex but I did to Niall saying yes."Omg spill it" Lyssa said and I told her everything from the moment I woke up the fist time to now. "Aww that's so cute" Kay said and I was tackled in a bear hug. We all fell asleep soon after we got the bed arrangements situated. 


Sorry if there are any mistakes and sorry if you liked Alex and Scar together but I had to mess everything up 

peace out rainbow trout 

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