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(Scar's pov)

I woke up and got ready to take the girls to the airport. "WAKE UP!" I screamed and got everyone's luggage ready. "We're up" Kay said with tears in her eyes. "Hey it's okay only one month then your back" I said hugging her "I know but I don't know if I can wait that long" she said "It's okay sissy we can call,text, or Skype everyday" I said while the others were taking the luggage out to the car.

(after the girls got dropped off)

Well me and Kay decided on getting matching tattoos with one half of the same heart underneath when she gets back. I pulled up to the hairstylist and went in. "Hi what can I do for you today" the lady asked "I want it silverish-greyish with dip-dyed blue ends" I said and she pulled up a picture of exactly what I wanted (the one above). I drove back to Liam's house and got all of my crap out of the boot and loaded it all up on the porch and knocked. "SCAR YOUR HOME I MISSED YOU SO MUCH AND OH MY GOD WHAT DID YOU DO WITH YOUR HAIR" Louis screamed while puling me inside with all my crap. "SCAR" Harry screamed doing the same thing as Lou. "Hey babe" Niall said pulling me into a kiss. "Love what you did with the hair" he said "Thanks and now Liam is going to murder me" I said as soon as he came into the room. "Scar I see you and nice hair"he said pulling me into a hug. "Thanks now I'm moving all this crap back into my room" I said while struggling to get it all upstairs. "Need some help" Niall said and he helped me unpack.

(3 hours later)

I was stumbling down the stairs and me being the most clumsiest person on Earth fell don half a flight. Luckily I wasn't hurt or if I was I couldn't feel it. I was on a massive sugar high due to the fact the boys left me ALONE in a house full of sugar. I was in the process of eating my 4th pack of Oreo's when I heard the car pull up so I took my little sack loaded it up and ran upstairs into the spare room (because I share with Ni) and locked the door and continued eating my candy. Two minute later I was going nuts. I fell down the steps three more times, broke a lamp, wore the boys out, dumped water everywhere, faked my death twice, and raided the kitchen and then ran to Cole's house and told him I was being hunted down by a mean killer who was out to get me and asked if he would protect me. Liam came over and tried to get me but I held onto Cole and told him that that was the mean killer so Liam went back and got Niall who had to carry me back and put me to bed where I instantly fell asleep.


I felt like I had a hangover. I rolled over to nobody so I went downstairs to the kitchen to be met with and angry looking Liam. "Hi bubby" I said "Kitchen now" he said and I obeyed him."Now do you care to explain why you were acting like a 2 year old yesterday" he asked "Well you kind of brought it on yourself you left me alone in a house full of sugar" I said. "You are grounded go to your room" he said but then something clicked I'm 18 I don't have to listen to him. "No" I said and right then I realized i had made a huge mistake.


sorry it stinks and I was going to put the tattoo but then I decided to put her hair

sorry if there are any mistakes

peace out rainbow trout

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