Chapter 4

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Hi guys, sorry for not updating on Sunday. I was away then I got sick and only remembered today I hadn't updated. Enjoy!


It's him. My saviour. I'd remember that voice anywhere. Deep, calm, soothing. The memory of it helped me so many times. Stopped me from taking my life again. He's the one I'd hoped so much to find and thank but I never did. He left me. Abandoned me. Never came to check if I was okay. I'm not sure why I expected it really but I'd held so much hope. I think it might have been because he said his sister died the same way. Or perhaps he experienced the sort of attachment I felt with him? Obviously not though because he didn't show.

For months I clung onto the hope that he would come back for me but he never did. In the final month before I was sent to live here, I came to the harsh conclusion that he was never going to come and it hurt. A lot. Perhaps I expected too much of him? That was when I started cutting. It was the only thing that helped me cope.

Seeing him now sends a shaft of anger through me. His mouth is moving but I don't hear the words. I know he's looking at me and I can feel the other students looking at me too but I can't focus. All I can hear is the blood rushing in my ears and I feel nothing. Just numbness.


The sudden rise in voice makes me jump. I blink a couple of times as the numbness begins to fade. I find myself staring into those chocolate eyes, my body trembling at the unexpected meeting.

"S...sorry," I stammer, looking at my desk to hide my tears.

"Lunch detention for a week," he says sternly and I cringe. After all this time I finally meet my saviour and he's giving me detention. Yeah that's fan-bloody-tastic.

I force my head up and glare at him. "Fuck you!" A collection of gasps resonates around me. "You can't fucking tell me what to do!"

I stand, pushing the chair back with my legs. It catches on something and falls to the floor with a crash.

"Make that a month." His eyes flash with anger. "I know you're new but you would have been told that this school has a no swearing policy."

"Fuck your stupid policy," I spit back at him, glaring at him with all the hatred I have. This is a lot since I've got so much directed at Mum right now. "I can fucking swear whenever I fucking want you fucking retard."

I know I'm going overboard but I can't seem to stop it. Anger is spewing out of me like an erupting volcano.

His face goes bright red, his eyes looking like they're about to bulge from his head. I can feel the tension in the room. No one dare talk in fear they get the same punishment as me.

"Two months," he says between gritted teeth, his voice shaking like he's trying really hard not to lose control. "Now get out of my room. I don't want to see you again until you show me some respect."

I force a smile and step away from the desk, ignoring the fallen chair. "That's great! No detention then!"

I walk past him, flipping him the finger. As I open the door I hear him say, "Apart from detention. Every lunch for two months and if you don't attend, you will be suspended. Now get out!"

I turn back once to glare at him then slam the door shut. The walls rattle and I run down the hallway, desperate to get away. Anger mixes with the pain I constantly feel inside. I can't control my emotions right now. Tears are threatening to break free but I'm holding them back with every ounce of dignity I have, which isn't much. My chest feels like someone is standing on it but I don't care because right now all I want to do is die.

My Saviour (student / teacher romance)Where stories live. Discover now