Chapter 9

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"Are we still on for tomorrow?" Edward asks as we leave school.

I look across at him and nod. It's Friday and school has just ended. Tomorrow is supposed to be my day with Edward. I still need to get Grandma's permission and this time I'm going to do it right. I just hope she lets me. I don't tell Edward this though. If she says no I'll deal with it then.

Edward grins and punches the air. "Awesome! Well I have to go. Where shall we meet tomorrow?"

I shrug. "The jetty?"

He nods then leans in to kiss me. He does this a lot. I know we kissed the other night and that's usually an indication that it should continue but after my rendezvous with Adam...err I mean Mr Gregson, it hasn't been the same. Kissing Edward now holds nothing, I can't even say it's nice. Mr Gregson's was so much better. Is it because he's more mature? Or is it because we have a connection?

Thankfully Edward doesn't seem to notice my reluctance and when he pulls away, he waves happily and walks off. I'm about to leave when I hear someone clear their throat behind me. Turning, I see Mr Gregson standing a few feet away, his arms folded across his chest.

He hasn't spoken to me since we met on the beach and even now, I can tell by his eyes that he doesn't want to. Let me guess? There's some school rule about kissing?

"What?" I snap, suddenly irritated by his company. I hate that he's been ignoring me. I know we have to lay low but I still hate it. All I want to do is jump him.

"Do I need to remind you about the school's policy for public displays of affection?"


I roll my eyes. "Seriously? What a load of shit. Your school policies are fucked up. I have a boyfriend, deal with it. The school can't stop me doing anything."

Mr Gregson's eyes grow dark and I can see his jaw twitching. "What did I tell you about swearing?"

"Fuck you." I turn and walk away.

I expect him to call or come after me but he doesn't. I want to look back to see the expression on his face but don't. I can feel his eyes on me and that's enough. If I see another angry or disappointed look from him, I fear it'll tip me over the edge. Over the last few days I've had no desire to cut or end my life and I want the feeling to last. Seeing Mr Gregson...Adam...whatever the hell I'm supposed to call him, angry or disappointed in me brings me closer to that breaking point. He's supposed to be my saviour, not the one making me miserable.

I need to stay 'undamaged' for Grandma's sake. She's seen my improvement, I've even tried to work on not swearing around her, one thing she hates, and as a result she's lifted some of the restrictions she laid on me when I first arrived. I can now go to my room with the door closed. I can't lose her trust now. Plus she's helping me so much with Kayla's death, even to the point of contacting a lawyer friend of hers. So if I have to stay away from Mr Gregson then so be it, even if it hurts like hell.

I stop walking when I round a corner, out of sight of Mr Gregson. My pounding heart begins to slow down as I take a few deep breaths. Being in his company always makes me so flustered. All I want is to talk to him, find out why he never came back to see how I was but after the other night it's not going to happen.

Once I'm calmer, I start walking again. Rather than going straight home, I wander around for a while. Grandma has an appointment this afternoon, with said lawyer friend, and isn't expected to be home until five. So as long as I'm home before her, I can do what I want. For a few moments I just walk with no destination in mind, down side streets and past houses I don't recognise.

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