Chapter 6

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Sorry I'm a day late again. Geez Sunday comes and goes so fast. Anyway thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy this chapter.


When I arrive at my next class all eyes on me. People are whispering amongst themselves and snickering but I ignore them. When I see Edward at his usual desk, the one next to him still free, I keep my head down and walk over to him.

"Can I sit here?" I ask softly.

He looks up and smiles. "Of course you can." Once I'm seated he leans across and whispers, "Everything okay?"

I look up and offer a weak smile. "Fucking perfect," I whisper back.

He chuckles and moves back just as our teacher arrives. I can't concentrate on this lesson though. All I can think of is Adam and how close I am to him. I so badly want to know what happened after that day. Where did he go? Why didn't he see me? But I'm not comfortable asking him without sounding like a total freak. Having him close by is enough for a strange way it calms me.

I know he's a teacher and all but that doesn't turn me off. If anything my feelings only intensify. That day I knew we shared a connection but I thought it was just because he saved me. After today though I realise it's more than that. Or maybe I'm still turned on from seeing him this morning?

When lunch finally comes, I slowly pack up my things. Students file past me, all of them sneaking glances and muttering to themselves. One girl, a tall blonde with big boobs, stops beside my desk. She smirks at me.

"What do you want?" I demand, not looking at her.

"Just seeing if it's true." Her voice is sickly sweet.

"What?" I want nothing to do with this bitch in front of me.

I look up just as she reaches for my jacket sleeve. She yanks it up, revealing my bright red scars.

"Oh my God!" She recoils in horror. "It's true!" Her face contorts in disgust and she lets go of the sleeve. I quickly roll it back down, fuming with anger that kids are already making assumptions. No one was supposed to know I cut but now, because these stupid idiots can't stop nattering behind my back, the whole school will know in no time.

"You're a freaking retard!" The girl turns and power walks out of the room.

The teacher has already left so no one witnesses this.

"So it's true?" a voice says beside me.

Or so I thought.

I close my eyes to hold restrain my tears. When I'm composed, I turn and see Edward still next to me. Damn it, I thought he'd left.

"Yeah, so what? Do you want to see too?" I rip my sleeve up and hold my arm out.

His face pales as he looks at the scars. When he looks at me, I don't see pity or disgust in his eyes. All I see is sympathy. "I'm sorry." He grabs my sleeve and gently pulls it down.

"What for?" I pack the last of my things and stand. "For befriending a freak?"

I go to storm away but Edward grabs my hand to stop me.

"I didn't say that," he says.

I turn to him and see a small smile on his lips. "I mean I'm sorry that whatever you're going through is bad enough to make you do that. I don't care what the other kids say, I like you and I want to hang out with you."

I break out into a smile when I hear this. One person, a boy at that, a teenage boy, is treating me like I'm actually someone important. Not a freak who cuts herself.

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