The Normal beginning

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If you have continued reading up to this far, big thanks. WARNING The next few chapters are going to be completely weird just a heads up. More action to come, so I hope you enjoy. ;)


It was a normal Friday morning, sticking to my normal routeen waking up at 6:45 to get ready to then catch my normal bus to my normal school.

Max was on the bus like he normally is and as I got on he said "what's up Sky" trying to be funny like he normally is. Max is kind of average height and has longish brown hair and is always trying to crack a joke. Everyone just calls him Buffhead, even the teachers.

He got that name in 5th grade when he was trying to prank the teacher but it backfired and turned on him. The teacher was annoyed but just said "Hey, Bufhead go clean yourself up and be quick otherwise you can go see The principal for your punishment" so the name just stuck.

After half an hour of mucking around we were in class and just starting period one. Of corse Max had already made the whole class laugh, including the teacher, Mr McMarsh.

As the laughter grew to as loud as it could possibly be, with students puffing from the intense laughing, Two cops walked into the room. One said "can max please step out of class for a bit."

He listened to the order and got up anxiously as if he knew what it was for. I was so curious. Could he be out steeling, doing graffiti. No he wouldn't. He would have told me I am his closest friend, Or would he.

About a minute after he had left the class I asked for a toilet pass just to cure my curiosity. I found them in the hallway, trying to keep quiet. I stood hidden near the drink fountain just being nosey but making sure no one saw me. I heard broken words some words didn't sound quite English. " we are,.....don't lie,.....we.... Know what....are. If you..... Not surrender..... Find.... friends......Kill..Your choice."

Those words just stuck in my head. It had to be a joke right, but for some reason the thought of those four letters never went away. The cops started walking in the direction where I was. I was freeking out. Would they find out I was eves dropping. Crap, what would they do.

Thank god that water fountain was there, I felt like it was a better life saving divice then a float given to a drowning person. I quickly bent over just as they were a few feet away, spluttering and choking from the water in a panic, trying to act normal.

They walked strait past me and I was releived but then one turned around and just stared at me. "You, human, you were listening wernt you. Do you know this boy." Then the other one stopped him, saying " there's no point in questioning this human weather or not the human has here'd or not, one less won't make a difference to us."

Just as he said that, something I don't know what it was but it looked like a part of his hand except it was sharp like dagar, came shooting towards me at lightning speed but it never reached me. It just dropped to the floor with dark purple liquid oosing out like a spilt thick shake.

If you got this far, thank you. Please tell me what you thought of these first 2 parts. It would help me a lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2015 ⏰

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