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   I knock four times on the Doctor's bedroom door. I hear a muffled "Come in", so I do. "Clara, next time you want to come in, only knock three times, please. The four-knock thing gives me bad memories. Thanks," he says.

   I sit on his bed. "So, what's up?" I ask, patting his head playfully.

   "Not much. Just thinking," he replies in a monotone voice.

   "About what?" I wonder.

   "I was kidnapped so easily on Seeria. Usually I'm able to stop any damage before it happens," he tells me.

   I re-place my hand on his stomach. "Doctor, it's okay. You're not perfect. No one is. Remember that time the TARDIS wasn't working when we were trapped in 2007? And we stayed at that little girl Suzy's house for the night? She was watching this show called Hannah Montana. Hannah was singing this song about how 'Nobody's perfect! You live and learn it! Again and again, till you get it right!' or something like that. Doctor, listen to the song. Nobody's perfect."

   The Doctor sits up and gives me a weird look. "Clara Oswin Oswald, are you seriously referencing a song from some little kids' show on Disney Channel?" he inquires with a joking undertone.

   "Yes. Yes I am!" I reply, laughing.

   The Doctor pulls me up against him and kisses my forehead, laughing. I kiss his cheek in response. "Oh, Clara. What am I going to do with you?" he says,

   "You could always kiss me some more," I suggest casually, swinging my legs over his.

   The Doctor thinks for a second. "Sure, why not. Even if we hold our breath too long and die, we'll both regenerate anyways." He pecks my lips, and I giggle.

   "True, Doctor. Very, very true." I press my lips to his, and he runs his fingers through my silky black hair. I lightly kiss his jawline, but he cups his hands under my face. He pecks my nose.

   "I love you, Clara Oswald," he states dreamily. I kiss his nose as well.

   "And I love you too, Doctor." Suddenly, I hear a distant beeping. I sit up. "My souffle is ready! Be right back!" I bring my lips to his one last time, and jog to the kitchen. On the way there, I hear the phone ring. I turn away from the kitchen door to answer. "Hello?"

   Kate Stewart replies, "Oh, Clara! Good thing I caught you. We need you and the Doctor at UNIT HQ right away. People all over London have been mysteriously disappearing and we need to figure out why. Are you busy?"

   I glance at doors that lead to the hallway where our bedrooms are. "Nope! We'll be right there," I promise. I hang up and look at the hallway. "Doctor! We need to get to UNIT HQ ASAP!"

   He walks into the console room and turns on the TARDIS. He flips a switch and presses some buttons; a moment later, we're parked. "Clara, look outside to see where we are," he demands. I obey, and report that we're in my apartment. "Oh! Perfect. One second." He flips another switch, and the next thing I know, we're materializing around my car. He pulls open both doors. "Get in. We can drive."

   I slide into the driver's seat with the Doctor in passenger. I turn the key so that the car whirs to life. We both fasten our seatbelts. "Geronimo!" I say. I slam my foot onto the gas pedal. Then, the car speeds out of the time machine and onto the open road.

   "Clara, can't you drive any faster?" the Doctor groans.

   "Shut up! I can't break the law just because some random people are all of a sudden disappearing!" I snap. I press my foot on the pedal a little more, and the car's speed goes up to 55 mph. I'm about to speed past the green light. When I blink. And suddenly there's an angel statue in the middle of the road. I slam my foot on the brake. "Shit!"

   My car stops immediately, and my head hits the wheel. Rubbing my head, I stare into the rear-view mirror. "Doctor!" I shriek as the car behind me crashes into my car. Both of our heads hit the headpieces on our seats as two cars behind the crashed car crash also. As our car is pushed even further and more damage is done, we open the car doors and roll out.

   The Doctor's forehead is bruised and mine bleeding. I look up to find the Weeping Angel's foot is a half-inch away from my hand. I sit up, groaning. "Doctor...don't...blink. Know...cause of disappearances." He crawls over to me while staring at the Angel that had caused so much destruction in just thirty seconds. Unfortunately, we don't have time to stare. Because just then, I hear an explosion. We turn toward it. About ten cars are on fire, the drivers scattering. Suddenly, a laser beam shoots down from nowhere and blasts the crashed cars. Mine's and the other cars explode, becoming airborne instantly. We immediately crawl to the sidewalk to avoid being crushed. All the burning cars return to the ground, damaged beyond repair.

   "What the hell?" the Doctor asks. His question is answered when a starship lands in the wreckage. A platform descends to the ground and a door slides up, revealing a horde of potato-like men with suits. At the same time, they all press a button on the cuffs of their suits. Jet-black helmets cover their heads.

   I look at the Doctor. "Doctor...aren't those Sontarans?"

   "Um...yes, that's what they've known to be classified as. Strax--you know Strax, right?--he's a Sontaran."

   "Ah. Okay. So now we're dealing with a bunch of war-crazed Mr. Potato Heads and one moving statue? Oh! Not to mention that my car is destroyed," I say. The Doctor nods, and I realize something. "Wait! Where's the Weeping Angel?" I turn back to where the Angel was last seen, but it's not there anymore. I look around to see the road nearly empty except for the other aliens. Either everyone got away, or...they were all sent to the past.

   The Doctor shakes his head. "Oh, this is not good..." We both slowly stand up. Behind us, we hear the sound of marching. We spin around to the sight of at least thirty Sontarans pointing their blasters at us. "Spoke too soon."

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