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The Doctor and I step out of the time machine to find ourselves in a bathtub with the curtain closed. "Doctor, why'd we park in a bathtub?" I ask.

Bryan steps out, too, after grabbing his phone. "Doctor, why'd we park in a bathtub?" he asks.

"Dunno. Let's just find the family and find out what's wrong," he replies. He pulls aside the curtain. "Oh, Bryan, sorry. You can't come. It might be too dangerous."

"But I want to come! Please, Doctor, I can fend for myself," Bryan insists, a look of hurt on his face.

The Doctor shakes his head. "I already lost two Ponds, I don't want to lose you, too. Stay in the TARDIS."

He looks down dejectedly. "O...Okay. Okay, Doctor. Fine," he says. He goes back into the TARDIS and slams the doors closed.

We hop out, re-close the curtain, and exit the bathroom. Next to the door is a staircase, which means we're in the basement. "C'mon."

We run up the stairs, open the door at the top. We are now in a long hallway with another set of stairs next to the basement door. I turn to the Doctor. "We should look for them on this level first, then go upstairs," I suggest. The Doctor nods.

I walk down the hallway. After peeking into the bathroom between the kitchen and family room, I discover there's, luckily, no one in there. I continue to the kitchen. I peer into the wash room, then behind the island in the middle. No one. "Doctor?" I call.

"Haven't found anything!" he replies from the family room. I go to the parents' bedroom at the end of the hall.

"Hello?" I say, wandering around. "Doctor, I'm looking upstairs now!" I dash up the stairs to be greeted by five portraits. The first one is of a boy about 12, and he's posing; a school picture. Next to that, a portrait of a boy possibly 17 sits. Another school picture. I glance at the other pictures. Just younger versions of the siblings.

I strut down the carpeted hallway. I reach another collection of frames, that hold whole family portraits. My eyes are locked on every smile and sparkle. I wish I still had a mother...

"Hm, that's weird," I mumble, staring at the last picture. It's of the two siblings, but it's as if another pictured was pasted, translucently, on top of the first. The two boys look scared in the translucent picture. Then...the smaller boy opens his mouth. As if he's screaming.

I stumble away. "Doctor!" I scream. He's next to me in a second, examining the boy. His eyebrows scrunch together in concentration. A moment later, his face softens. He turns to me.

"Clara...someone...something...put the two boys--the actual, living, breathing boys--into a picture. They're trapped," he explains. He pokes the glass cover, and as soon as he does, the glass ripples like he touched water. "And we can't save them. This is a one-way portal. If anyone as so much puts a hand in, they won't be able to pull it back out. You can get in, but not out."

"What the hell would throw two innocent boys into a portal?" I wonder.

"I don't know that, either. Kind of an off day for me, to be honest. Let me just..." He pulls out his sonic screwdriver, and points it at the live boys. He presses the trigger--and that's when things go wrong. Suddenly, every light in the house turns off. I hear the sound of automatic locks turning.

I ask, "Doctor...what's going on?"

He pulls two small torches from his jean pockets and hands one to me. "Clara...I don't know. But turn on your torch. Light is important."

I flick on my torch. I shine it on the Doctor, but am encountered with a very familiar alien. "Doctor, listen to me. Take one step toward me, then turn around. When you do, don't blink," I demand slowly. He obeys me, and discovers the same thing I have: Weeping Angels.

The TimeLord Who ChangedWhere stories live. Discover now