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"Um...hi," I say.

"Clara, may I ask: Are you spying on us?" the Doctor wonders.

"Er...yes. But there's a good reason! Well, there's a reason. It's not necessarily a good one. See, I was spying on you because... IwasjealousofhowwellyouguysweregettingalongandIthoughtyoumightbekissing," I explain quickly, red with embarrassment.

Bryan laughs. "Clara, I already have a boyfriend. He's at our flat right now, thinking I'm getting groceries," he tells me.

The Doctor adds, "Besides, I already love you, Clara. No need to think we're being naughty."

I slowly back out of the room. "Okay. Okay, good. Sorry. I'll just...I'll just go now." I fast-walk down the hall toward my bedroom. I was so stupid. I can't believe I actually thought they'd started dating. I can't even believe I was jealous of Bryan. God, I'm such a fool. I shouldn't even get up tomorrow morning. I don't want to face them after my little stunt tonight.

I should just go to sleep and forget about everything that's happened in the last half hour. Yeah, that's a good idea. I find my room and jump into bed. I close my eyes. Dreams take over.

Images flash through my mind. I see a red brick two-story house with a bunch of spaceships littering the yard. The dream changes. I see the TARDIS inside a bathtub. For some reason, two Zygons are guarding it. The vision's replaced with another vision of a large crack in the road. The crack starts spreading. People are running around and shouting. The image fades. The last image is of a big cruise ship, but there's a ring of fire around it, which makes no sense due to the fact water can't catch fire.

My eyes fly open. I check the time. It's 6:48am. That's strange. The night must've passed by ultra-quick. I swing my legs off the bed. I take off my blood-red tanktop and blue jeans from yesterday and put on a dark blue blouse and gray skinny jeans. I braid my hair off to one side, brush my teeth in the bathroom at the far corner of my bedroom. I kick on some flipflops and walk to the door. I pause. I put my ear to the door. Is that the sound of two people kissing?

I whip open the door to find the Doctor and Bryan making kissy noises. When they see me, they start laughing. "Doctor! Not funny!" I scold. "I thought you were more mature than this!"

Still laughing, he says, "Don't you know my slogan? "Never grow up.""

I cross my arms. "I'm gonna go to the kitchen and make myself breakfast," I declare.

I head to the kitchen. Passing the console room, I hear a beeping. I stop in my path. I walk to one of the console screens. It's lit up red, an exclamation mark flashing in the screen. I type something on the keyboard, and the outside shows up. A crack is spreading on the ground ten yards from the time machine. People are running around shouting. The only thing that comes to mind is: earthquake. Wait, not earthquake. Another crack is spreading a foot away from the first crack. It looks like a bunch of little spikes are popping up from the cracks. They look like...teeth.

"Doctor! We've got an emergency!" I warn him.

Bryan and the Doctor come running in. The Doctor checks the screen on the other side of the console. "That is one big mouth!" Bryan exclaims.

"I believe that is a Monzul. Must've fallen to Earth during the Jurassic age from its planet Monzulia," the Doctor tells us. "It's planet was entirely dirt. All of it's siblings were born in the ground. They feed of the nutrients in mud and such. But I figure this Monzul must've been a baby and's been living in the Earth, growing, eating. What we're dealing with is fully-grown."

Bryan and I exchange glances. "So how do we stop it from eating the whole country?" he asks.

The Doctor strokes his beard. "Um...okay, well. Usually the aliens I deal with are on a spaceship, which is much easier to deal with. I don't...wait. I actually do know what to do. We're going underground," he announces. He turns to the console and types in a location and presses some buttons. The TARDIS whirs and rumbles and the engine starts up. Bryan and I hold on to the railing while the TARDIS goes from one place to another.

It eventually stops. Bryan, Doctor, and I step out of the time machine. We're greeted by a wall of dirt. "Doctor, where are we?" I ask.

He answer, "We are in the underground tunnels of the Silurians!"

"Sorry?" I inquire, raising an eyebrow.

"You know Madame Vastra, correct?" I nod. "Yeah, she's one of them."

All of a sudden, we hear a bunch of feet hitting the ground. Er, underground. Underunderground? Whatever. We look toward the noise. A bunch of scaly green men and women that look almost exactly like Madame Vastra come into sight. They surround us and point their weird-looking blasters at us. They part as an older-looking Silurian walks toward us. He inspects us. "So, the Doctor and his companions return. How may we help you, TimeLord?" he says.

The Doctor smiles. "Everyone, this is Eldane, the leader of the Silurians. Eldane, this is Clara Oswald and Bryan Pond!" he introduces us.

Eldane's eyes light up. "Pond? I haven't heard that name since the girl Amy acted as one of the representatives of Earth when we were splitting it!"

Bryan graciously steps forward. "I'm her grandchild."

"How can that be? She was so young when I last saw her."

He explains, "In 2012, she was sent to 1932 along with her husband, Rory. Long story, but here I am."

Eldane comes forward to shake his hand. "Very well! So, may I ask again, what can I do for you?" he wonders.

The Doctor meets his eyes. "There's a Monzul, a monster of the underground, terrifying the whole of the United Kingdom. So, what can you do for us, you ask? We need to stop that beast."

The TimeLord Who ChangedWhere stories live. Discover now