Hi There

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As I said in the description, these will be a lot of short stories telling about my past padawan experiences at the Felinus Jedi Academy. Most of them will be funny or full of surprises. And boys, this is a book for all genders, as it includes my brothers, Austin and Fermin! Anyways, let's get started; pen and paper/ Tablet in hand! Let's start with some tips:

1) Never practice using the force in the cafeteria!

2) Always check with an adult before you let Austin upgrade an electronic.



Any image not cited is made by Fermin, or if it says CIP, it means that it was cited in the picture.

Spaghetti Hair: CIP

Greenhouse Grapple: pixabay.com (posted by user Humusak)

Trinity's Tips for Padawan SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now